Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Masterbate When Pregnant

University - the state of Padua

In quanto ex-studente di Ingegneria all'Università di Padova e in quanto ancora iscritto al forum di Ingegneria oggi mi è arrivata nella mail questo messaggio, scritto dal Preside della Facoltà.

Cari studenti della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Padova,

come Preside della Facoltà nella quale vi apprestate a intraprendere o a proseguire il percorso formativo che costituirà la base della vostra futura attività professionale, desidero informarvi sul particolare momento che sta vivendo la nostra Facoltà e, più in generale, l’intera Università italiana.

The Faculty of Engineering of Padua, one of the first in Italy with over 200 years of history behind it, currently provides 12 courses of Bachelor Degree, 17 Bachelor of Science degree and a five-year single cycle.

students were enrolled a total of over 11,000 and the number of new students entering each year is around 2500, growing steadily in recent years.
The attractiveness of the course has a variety of reasons: not least, good prospects for the labor market, in Italy and abroad.

teaching resources on which the faculty can count today are made of 116 Professors, 122 Professors Researchers associated and 140 (for a total of 378 units), which enabled the Department to prepare an educational large, skilled and well-articulated, despite the limitations in the amount of available resources.

fact, a significant part of teaching activities has so far been carried out by teachers as additional task over its institutional duties and the reason that prompted them to assume these commitments is certainly not pay more, given the meager compensation, and sometimes absent.

The situation has unfortunately changed a lot in recent months, primarily as a result of serious concerns and reservations expressed by some faculty content of the Bill 1905 'Rules for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system. " This measure has already been approved by the Senate and is now before the House.

In particular, researchers indefinitely currently in service (and not only them) have expressed great concern that the introduction of the new figure-term research can greatly limit their opportunities for career advancement.

Consequently, 106 researchers of the Faculty, as a sign of protest declared their unwillingness to take ownership of teaching, because this is not provided by their institutional duties.

A strong indignation then spread among all teachers in part because of the recent budget package passed by Parliament: in fact, in the section on the University, the proposed measures will result in a penalty of a permanent nature, far superior to what is happening for other categories, with effects that will affect even the indemnities and pensions.

This is in addition to other measures implemented in recent years (the turn-over block, cutting Financing Fund Ordinary reduction ministry of research funds, slowing down of the selection procedures), resulting in a diminishment of the role of teachers and university education.

In this situation of extreme difficulty, about 90 Professors and Associates said they did not want to support teaching tasks in addition to those institutions, starting with the Academic who has just begun.

Another negative consequence of the recent fiscal consolidation and more general climate that has developed between Italian Universities, is the large number of early retirement, which makes it even more critical to maintain educational offerings.

Therefore, the Faculty of Engineering has regretfully had to acknowledge that, in Padua, as in many other locations, the Manifesto of Studies for the academic year 2010/11, at the time approved under the normal availability of lecturers, are no longer sustainable in terms provided for in its time.

thus adopting the primary objective to enable all degree courses, not to be less commitment on the one hand with the students and their families, the other with the productive world that has always welcomed the graduates Engineering in Padua, were planned a series of emergency operations, offering limited training of the current academic year based on:

a) increase the students in attendance, which has so far maintained at recommended levels by the law through the delivery of courses in parallel, having to reduce prices in parallel without sacrificing too much the quality of teaching, you next year some courses should be provided in audio / video connection.

b) abolition of tuition which is not essential to the training course, this choice has been particularly painful because it is these teachings have so far been a valuable enrichment offer technical and scientific education of the Faculty, as they often are an expression of research more advanced conducted at the Departments.

Instead it chose not to indiscriminately draw teachers from outside the academic world, but to maintain the standards of educational quality has always been adopted by the Faculty.

must stress however that the actions outlined above would not be sufficient to enable all degree courses: however, took note of the situation, a sense of responsibility and spirit of service a number of Professors and Researchers in the last days withdrew its unwillingness to additional teaching tasks, while maintaining its own total adhesion to the reasons for the protest. These choices must be given due importance, because they are often the result of intense inner struggle.

In conclusion, the educational offer that the faculty will be able to ensure the next academic year, while it will necessarily be less extensive than in the past, the other will remain essentially unchanged for now at least the level of quality and seriousness that has always distinguished.

However, it appears clear that the legislative measures recently adopted or being adopted, not only mean that the Faculty is now facing a situation of extreme difficulty, but are also leading to loss of the charge of enthusiasm that is the largest guarantee success for teaching and research in the years to come.

The Faculty would like to see introduced into the parliamentary level corrective action (such as those presented by the Ateneo Veneto to MPs at a recent meeting), giving dignity to further remove non-academic world, before the situation would be irretrievably compromised.

beginning of this academic year is not easy, however I wish you a good job in the classrooms and laboratories of the faculty and I take this opportunity to cordially greet and your families, and please extend to them this message.

Pierfrancesco Brunello
(Dean of Faculty di Ingegneria)

Lascio a voi qualsiasi commento.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Did I Start Bleeding After Using Rephresh?

Offence of an armed and "I commend the League" - a clarification.

Negli ultimi giorni è stata divulgata dal Fatto Quotidiano la notizia del'abrogazione del reato di banda armata, che prevedeva varie punizioni a seconda di come veniva impostato.

L'articolo è di Marco Travaglio, che personalmente stimo moltissimo. Tuttavia non era del tutto esatto quello che veniva detto dall'illustre giornalista, ed intavolando una discussione con un mio amico è venuta fuori la seguente conclusione.

Appena cominciati i corsi universitari, è un classico momento di relax post-esami, e di tempo da perdere ce n’è. Così, per tenersi in esercizio, ho tried to take a case brought to light by Marco Travaglio in this article . Knowing how the Italian journalism suffers from sensationalism, and labor - it is very difficult (though not always impossible) to attack him on matters of fact - has some lameness when handling legal issues, I tried to reconstruct the evolution of legal of the story.

Therefore, the armed band is scheduled as a crime since 1930, art. 306 cod. pen., which provides - in a nutshell - which is punishable by a term of imprisonment anyone who gets together with other persons to carry out activities against the Italian State and its established order and against the physical and moral integrity of its highest offices.

In 1946, however, the newly formed Constituent Assembly delegates from the government to issue a Decree to find a rule providing for and prevented from locking phenomena, which could have lead to episodes of squads. Under this closure (ie the rule that allows to solve doubtful cases the scope of the crime of armed band, giving a general criterion to identify all those behaviors relevant to the crime) states that must be punished as armed gangs also associations of military for political purposes, so it's enough to have a hierarchical structure, uniforms, and the availability of weapons for the group to commit a crime, regardless of putting in place the criminal behavior and illegal activities instead asked the Criminal Code.

From 9 October, however, shall enter into force the Code of the military. It 's a single text, that is, a Decree which sums up and makes a synthesis of all the laws governing that matter, to tidy up. Therefore, since no longer needed, these old rules are repealed.

Among these laws, however, was also inserted inside the D. Decree Law 43/1948, which we have spoken. It therefore lacks the rule of closure: will therefore be necessary for the Association of Army implements the same behavior under the Penal Code to be punished, not ignored.

While this does not speak of "decriminalization of the armed gang," because it remains a punishable offense, it seems sufficient to achieve the "League award" mentioned Travaglio.

In fact, the defendants that this repeal is intended to save are the founders of the National Guard Po, which are undoubtedly an association linked to paramilitary political ideals (those of the Lega Nord and secession in general), but the simple fact that there will not be enough the court to punish them, not until they actually attack the integrity of the Italian State, which we take for granted Venetian savvy, but it is more difficult to prove on a case.

Here I report the two laws we are talking about:
Penal Code Article 306
Leg. n.43 02/14/1948 Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is The Cervix Soft During Menstruation

"80% of the planet is contaminated" - Nature warns

The figures are alarming: 80% of freshwater on the planet are already infected or at risk of contamination. From this threat are affected about 3.4 billion people, nearly half the world's population. And the situation is likely to worsen in coming years, because of the damage caused by climate change and the growing population.

alarm throws a scientific paper published in the journal Nature and signed by a team of researchers led by Charles Vorosmarty the City University of New York and Peter McIntyre University of Wisconsin. The study is important because it can be seen that for the first time brings together all our knowledge under a single global model for the safety of water and loss of biodiversity, "according Gary Jones, director of Co-operative dell'eWater Research Centre in Canberra, Australia.

The picture that emerges from the study of Nature is to a planet where water resources are exploited in a total unbalanced. Currently the water supply, drinking water and no, mostly derived from a work of engineering. Dams, drainage and reserves are the way humans solve problems of scarcity and pollution of groundwater. The technological solution has two drawbacks, however. The first is the cost to keep that balance in the situation would cost, according to the authors of the study, around 800 billion dollars a year by 2015.

The second is that these costs are insostenibili per chi non fa parte del “club” delle nazioni industrializzate ricche o emergenti, queste ultime rappresentate dai paesi BRIC (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina). Complessivamente non più di un miliardo di persone. Ragion per cui Vorosmarty e MacIntyre suggeriscono di puntare sulla lotta al cambiamento climatico piuttosto che sulla continua manipolazione della natura da parte dell’uomo, che rischia solo di mettere l’ ambiente ulteriormente sotto pressione.

E in Italia, quanto è grave la situazione? C’è rischio anche da noi di stress da sfruttamento idrico, dato il quadro di sprechi, e scarso rispetto dell’equilibrio ambientale? “Il modello di gestione idrica urbana must be revamped, "Katie answered Women, Office of Scientific Legambiente . The association has complained in the White Paper of 2007 on emergency water and other subsequent reports, the situation in our country. 60% of water intended for agricultural use and 42% loss from the sieve tubes (with peaks of 70% in Cosenza) of a distribution network that would add a completely new low-cost too much water (52 cents per meter cube, half the European average), which inevitably leads to waste.

"For over a decade, supports women, with the eyes of experts around the world, is increasingly clear that the model of water management in our cities - based on the cycle: sampling distribution, use, sewerage, sewage treatment plant, and re-entering the final - is not sustainable, because it involves excessive use of water resources of the highest quality. Why, for example, to download a toilet you use water? This results in an enormous loss without reducing pollution. But the study

Nature is not likely to be the usual excuse of environmentalists for doing nothing? "I would not say, continues Katie. The challenges of managing water resources can not be reduced to the simple and demagogic question: let everything flows as well as nature ... creates this model would be as untenable as unthinkable to today's society. On the contrary those who deal with Environmentalism Scientific offers a new approach to an even more complicated than we have proposed and imposed so far and that is just as unsustainable as the first. The way out, however, is to overcome the first approach that we must add the required water (industrial, agricultural, civil) and then desperately tries to satisfy them. " A good tip for the planet to which Italy certainly no exception.

taken from