Saturday, August 14, 2010

Catchy Slogans For Ice Cream Shops

clean beaches all over Europe, except in Italy!

If you plan to spend your summer vacation by taking the
tan on the beach and taking dips
in a clean and cool water, do not choose
Or at least that is what is called Europe. The country with the most beaches in the world is also the one with the most coastal bathing sites

prohibited because of inadequate quality water than any other European nation.
In general, whether it's water sea, river or lake in Europe, the cleanliness and quality continue to improve, except in our country, as EU observers say in a report published recently . According to the latest report on the quality of bathing the European Commission, 96% of EU coastal beaches met the minimum standards [as did] 90% of the beaches near rivers and lakes.

This marks a significant improvement over the past two decades, especially inland waters, since only 52% of beaches met the standards in 1990. From the point of view of the sea, the beaches of Cyprus, France, Greece and Portugal are classified as among the cleanest in the area with the biggest tourist attraction. The report then adds

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ESCAMOTAGE L’Italia si è adeguata a norme comunitarie, valide però soprattutto per le acque fredde del Nord Europa. E così le spiagge chiuse adesso riaprono Quest’estate è toccato ai mari che, secondo la denuncia di Legambiente, have been cleaned up by decree. The association as it reveals dozens of stretches of the coast until March as too dirty to accommodate swimmers, but were reopened by the adoption of a European directive, the seventh of 2006, which makes bathing less stringent controls. As before, in Italy, controls were done every two weeks and every two miles of the coast, now just one sample per month and each
few tens of kilometers.
If you check the first twelve physical-chemical and biological parameters, it now takes two: some limits on the presence of Escherichia coli and enterococci. "These European standards," says Stephen Ciafani, scientific director of Legambiente 'were designed for the North Sea, where the bathing season is short, cold water and with more parts. In the Mediterranean, the situation is very different. "
And that is why Italy, applying the 1982 Act has always included more stringent controls, becoming an EU member by the waters safer. With the new rules, however, already twenty-seven Calabria on 33 beaches closed in 2009 have been reopened. The same for 14 bells, including one in the center of Naples (Piazza Nazario Sauro) and some at the mouth of Sarno. Other regions is not known: they have not responded to requests for Legambiente. "Besides Italy risks heavy fines for lack of water treatment plants in 178 cities' Ciafani adds, "Li claimed the tour operators. But now who will? "

Adapted from

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simular To

July 19, 2010, Piero Ricca and others stopped by the police

Short summary:
Piero Ricca and others, after av er

ended their demonstration in memory of Paolo Borsellino

, knowing that the cathedral of Milan was to be held one evening in honor of Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, that a little later he received the Greater Milan, as a "statesman of rare ability," "loved why so many Italian men between the people and the people. "The prize of course is awarded by a" dependent "of the premier, since Milan is led by President Guido Podesta of the PDL, another award buffalo short, just to make the daily misinformation.

Verzè . short, while The group approached the cathedral, probably someone has recognized Piero Ricca, and more likely, through a round of phone calls it was decided to block them and at one point even hold them with an abundant group of policemen in riot gear.
Basically, they have "accused" to create security problems and an unauthorized demonstration.
The scheme, in this beautiful evening for the awards, does not want to hear the voices of the opponents, not political, but real ones, the ones that count, people! Attacks against the freedom of citizens and basically attentive to the stability and order. Trample the Constitution and abuse of the police, removing and even turn them against their duty, to ensure and maintain public order. for personal interests is violated citizens' safety. The "quarantine" by Piero Ricca and others who just ends at midnight, after the awards ceremony of the premier. We are at the end of democracy, and we must find a cure ... These videos which make known what happened that night. An image, as we well know by now, worth much more than one word.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Long To Recover From Cyst That Burst

Provocation - New Constitution - the Fundamental Principles

Constitution the Second Italian Republic Fundamental Principles Article 1
Italy is a lobbyist Second Republic, based on conflict of interest.
sovereignty apartments on the powerful, who exercise it in the manner and within the limits of their will. Article 2 The Second Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable interests of the powerful, both as individuals, both in criminal formations where he expresses his personality, and demands the fulfillment of favors mandatory political solidarity, economic and social development. Article 3 No citizen has equal social status and no one is equal before the law, with discrimination on sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. The Second Republic recognizes all citizens the right to slavery and promote conditions which will make this right. Every citizen has the duty, quaunque are their chances and choices, an activity or a function that contributes to the material progress of the Caste.

Article 5 The Second Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local supremacy, and implements services that depend on the broader Casta centralized administration, adapting the principles and methods of its legislation and the needs of the supremacy of ' centralization.

Article 6 The Second Republic pursued by means of appropriate linguistic minorities. Article 7

chastity and Catholic Church are, in this order, and cooperating sovereign.

Their relations are regulated by the Lateran Pacts. Changes to the Treaties, accepted by both parties, does not require the procedure for constitutional amendment.
Article 8

The Catholic faith is more free and equal before the law with respect to other religions.

The religious denominations other than Catholic have the right to organize in accordance with its statutes, as long as they credit the caste of an appropriate reward and unconditionally obey its directives.

Their relations with the caste are regulated by law on the basis of agreements with their respective representatives.

Article 9 The Second Republic promotes the backwardness of the culture and scientific and technical research.

destroys the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation in favor of building cement and abuse.

Article 10 The Italian legal system pretends to conform to generally recognized norms of international law.

The legal status of foreigners is regulated by law in conformity with international norms and treaties, only if adequate financial compensation or adequate favoritism.

A foreigner who is denied his country in the effective exercise of democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian Constitution, may be eligible for asylum in the territory of the Second Republic, under the conditions determined by the laws ad personam.

E 'permitted the extradition of a foreigner for political offenses not conflict with the interests caste. Article 11

Italy supports the war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes allows, on an equal footing with other states, to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that Caste and ensure the interests of multinational promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.

Article 12 The flag of the Second Republic is the Italiot tricolor: green, white and azzzurro, three vertical bands of equal size, with the face of the leader at the center.

The color red is considered illegal, on pain of persecution for ostentatious communism.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Free Vedeos Of Churidar Stitching

In memory of the martyrs of the Mafia

Che la memoria di tutte le persone uccise e perseguitate dalla mafia viva per sempre

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ts400stihl Can You Change 12 To 14 Guard

League and PDL, we have fruit? Absenteeism

Dopo aver confermato che il sodalizio PDL-Lega è forte e duraturo, le sorti delle prossime elezioni, quando che siano, sembravano già decise, con il Carroccio che probabilmente avrebbe trainato i buoi, portando molti voti buoni per il "presidentissimo". La sinistra e l'ormai consolidato Terzo Polo avrebbero dovuto arrendersi ancora una volta.
Ma ora sorge un problema per il "presidentissimo", un grosso problema...
Il Senatur sembra essere indeciso, ha dato chiari segnali che forse il Carroccio comes away from the oxen, too tired to run again. Indeed Bossi says, "the League in the elections with the PDL? We'll see ... we take the votes on the program." However This time, everything will depend on the League, the fate of the forthcoming elections to the stability of the next government. For Berlusconi
hours it gets really tough.

Do Women Like Men With Shaved Genitals

2.0, the evolution of the virus

I propose an interesting article about absenteeism in the public sector. What was supposed to fix Brunetta. He has spoken so well against the work absenteeism, but now it seems that the virus is used to the medicine, and resumed doing the damage he did in the pre-treatment. Obviously no one cares and the news I found on the Internet. The "Care Brunetta"
was dissolved as snow in the sun. Despite the summer, civil servants have continued to fall ill off as if it were 5 degrees below zero, and absence from work increased by 10.7% from a year ago. The "plus ten" before heading on sick days, in fact, it goes to 13.6% increase in long absences, namely those above ten days. Absences are growing in almost all areas of public administration. C i are the epidemics 'noses closed' and 'high fever' among the employees of

hospitals, with increases of 19.8% of short absences and 25.3% of those over ten days, and officials of the Agency Owned property, which passed with 32.2% more of their time at home. The long absences have also increased in the ministry, in the tax agencies and the Presidency of the Council: all together increased by 21.7%. They were most often at home even the officials of social security institutions: 6.3% more hours for those working with INPS and Inail.

But there are also virtuous.

those who do not ever get sick, not even by mistake, those who are better off in the office and at home, away from wives, sons and mothers-more than petulant boss: newspaper, internet, coffee, cigarette, air conditioning, telephone, some overtime hours more to fuck with colleagues who are on vacation in summer and colleague who not only discovers more, but that also becomes a bit 'more ...

'available'! short, a real godsend! Perhaps the Minister of Public dysfunction, silenced in the latter months of infighting in the party of love, you'd better close the Ministries in the summer, just as the schools! We would certainly look good and more savings to the exchequer would be guaranteed! Adapted from LiberalVox

Vitamin C Speeds Up Herpes

Roberto Formigoni Who is really? The

Roberto Formigoni, the 'ineligible President of the Lombardy region ... Already this should be enough to describe the character, but I will say more. In less than a month, there were 3 big success "events" which have certainly deeply affected the lives and future of Roberto Formigoni, unmasked for what it really is. A man of politics, so to say, sir ... three events will have enough to make you understand who is ruling us (even if it is already known to us who is ruling).
First Event: Roberto Formigoni is involved in investigating P3,
had contact with people like Martin An excerpt of their conversation: MARTINO FORMIGONI Yes I am very happy to see you today.

FORMIGONI great walks, walking okay.
MARTIN Okay, what happened, all right then?
FORMIGONI Well, well today we had a great walk, good positive, positive, beautiful things.
MARTINO very well ... I
FORMIGONI: There is a commitment to continue to walk and walk, there is commitment to continue to walk for a walk now that spring comes and then the commitment is there because you all a little 'weight. I also think MARTINO
Monday to do the walk.
There seems to be a language of crime? To me ... also because if it were a perfectly normal dialogue (as claimed Formigoni) would be at the mercy of a total fool! Second event: The Lombardy region will have to pay by December 2010

(if not solve the problem) a fine of € 440 million (public money) to the European Community. The problem? A Pioltello, former Sisas area, remained, after the failure of a chemical plant in 2001, 290,000 tons
(DUECENTONOVANTAMILA) of toxic waste, 50,000 of carbon black, hydrocarbons contaminated with mercury. All that remained precariously on the surface by a pump system that if it broke, would pollute the ground water poisoning half
The cause of this? The abandonment of the drainage works by Giuseppe Grossi
, because of his legal problems. The entrepreneur Grossi, so that for the record is a friend of Formigoni, was awarded the contract for two of the three landfills. And for the record Grossi is always the same contractor involved in the toxic mess area of \u200b\u200bSanta Giulia.
Formigoni remained silent until the end on account of his friend, even just covering up the latest legal problems. In addition to the charge of ricicliaggio, Grossi also recently been investigated for trafficking in toxic waste and illegal dumping.
Lovely friends and good behavior by Formigoni!

third and most recent event: After the recent deposition of
1,400,000 signatures for the referendum of public water
, Formigoni has decided to vote in the silence of the holidays, a resolution for full privatization of water in
. Tell me if it sounds like another attempt to encourage a friend or a corporation as always!
Just for the record, in Paris on 1 January 2010, the water has returned to the public, Mayor Bertrand Delanoe has not renewed the contracts with the multinationals Veolia and Suez. An estimated savings of € 30 million for the Parisians!

These three events surely will change the history of Formigoni, and finally put under the light it deserves, that of the prison! We are tired of lobbying conduct of politics! You are elected to do the will of the people, not to let your interests! If you still have a shred of humanity within you dimettetevi and do not get anymore!

Simpsons Hitnrun Free Play

MoVimento 5 Stars take the field, the word of Cricket!

(I'm still suffering from the disease of late, after my long absence) With the "political statement
number thirty-four
"Beppe Grillo is known by his blog and know many things.
First of all that:
" Now go into the elections is pure madness, those who did not want three things clear: first, that the country is in pre default and can not afford a period of six months of stalemate election without blowing up, the second is that the current electoral law is a taking the piss out of town (on which all parties are careful not to act) does not allow a direct vote to the candidate and members of parliament would be elected once again by the party leaders at their discretion, the third is that Berlusconi would win again thanks to the total control of television and the evanescence of the opposition the PDminusL. " The only thing possible to avoid the crash, said Grillo, is a caretaker government, which maintains in order, to the extent possible, the accounts and government debt soaring, that changed the electoral law and take off illegitimate "refunds" election, especially now that creates a law on conflict of interest, so that people like Berlusconi & Co. could not participate in political activity.
A second thing also states that:
"Movement 5 Stars exist, has collected half a million votes in 5 regions self-financing: 0.8 cents to the cost of the regional vote. Movement 5 Stars declined € 1.7 million financing political parties (passed off reimbursements for election) while the political parties raking in a billion euros. "

MoVimento 5 Stars will present the general elections, which are now or in 2013, and municipal elections of 2011 that involve many provincial capitals such as Milan, Turin, Bologna and Genoa. The choice of candidates will be done online through the portal from members. "
Finally, in Italy you can vote for a party that is dedicated to the citizens and its interests.
Every citizen of the right, left and center movement or fewer votes will be represented by number of persons, responsible and respectful of Constitution and the role entrusted to him.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Memorial Wording For Wedding Programs

politicized judiciary

You always hear about politicized judiciary, but what is politicized judiciary?

The politicized judiciary is a phenomenon typical of the right for two reasons.

1) The "right" with the entry into politics of Silvio Berlusconi, and then entered the game with the media dominance of the industrialist, has slowly ushered in the homes of many Italians many common places, many "slogan "many" jingles "that influenced the Italian population quickly dextrose, which previously belonged to the DC but not only. One of these "sayings," best known and exploited in this period was called "politicized judiciary." According to Berlusconi, the judiciary is to the left (the so-called "red robes"), since, according to him, is persecuted for years by this "caste of judges" communist
Maybe there's a detail that escapes our current premier, who commits a crime is punishable under Italian law, who commit many crimes can be prosecuted several times by Italian law. If you no longer wants to be "persecuted" to stop committing crimes (2) .
The judiciary then, thanks to massive media bombardment that affected the Italian population by the direct business Berlusconi and indirect (various newspapers and publishers, Mediaset, Rai),
imagery has become a right-handed machine communist persecution to be killed as soon as possible.
machine, it needs to do its job, namely to stop the criminals. 'O i giudici decidono nel senso che sostengo io o faccio una dichiarazione a reti unificate per dire che la magistratura è molto peggio della mafia' Berlusconi
2) The most recent aspects you notice that there is actually
judiciary "politicized"
, but it's not like we have been taught that "community" of Berlusconi's doc, but that is part of an independent judiciary (the largest), the party believes the following (bad) Italian law, without being influenced by anyone, sometimes committing errors of human judgments as happens in rare cases worldwide. The judiciary is politicized, it proved that Berlusconi controlled by friends, old friends and new friends

P2 P3 of
. These judges
dextroses (rather than dextrose, it would be better to say corrupt, but as P2 and P3 which are part of a phenomenon are right, we might as well call them that), they were able to influence or near a number of decisions at various levels from decisions of the CSM
(3) ( Superior Council of Magistracy ), decisions of the Constitutional Court
, up to a few decisions in the process. demonstrated that the judiciary is politicized and there is not the left.

Is there anyway to make a clarification, the politicized judiciary also exists to the left of course. It 's the very recent case of the CSM, in which 1 / 3 of judges who will be part of it shall be chosen by MPs. These judges are called magistrates "secular" as it should have no relation with politics, but should only be chosen on the basis of skill and morale elevatura. I lay magistrates to choose from are 8, 5 and 3 by the majority opposition, and as mentioned above should be independent by the parties. However, in recent years, there are people who choose to continue within the party, which often are parliamentarians. In this way, the policy also enters in the judiciary, which should be independent. But the fact remains that the judiciary is politicized right-wing, and only a small part of the left, which is not me that has done damage. The rest of the judges who intentionally do stupid things are just corrupt, it would sell to anyone, no matter which side they are. But luckily there are a small part. (1) After careful analysis (actually not too deep) character of Berlusconi, is quickly comes to understand that the term "communist" refers to one who makes opposition to his will, chiunqe not run without ifs or buts its will is accused of communism. In reality we know that the Communists are a minority of the Italian population. Among other things Berlusconi uses the meaning "communist" referring to the unfortunate decline of the Stalinist dictatorship, then do not consider the phenomenon of communism in the right and complete sense. Also, the word "communist" is one of several "slogan" of the entrepreneur, now entered the basic vocabulary of common Berlusconi, with whom we are referring to a person who is not of the same idea, as explained just above. (2) If Berlusconi had not entered politics would probably not so much persecuted, and even overly rich, because: - would be in jail for quite some time, in fact in all its processes post '94 (including current) is his paw in the Italian law, the laws ad personam and Castamir, made specifically for the process to him and his friends. These laws have ruined the Italian legal system. - would not the media empire that has now, as a result of different end avbrebbero that had its processes, some of which concern and relate to the fact its properties and businesses. (3) To give an example of decisions involving the CSM or the Constitutional Court or legal processes, we can mention: - managed by the placement of some of the CSM Alfonso Marra as president of the Court of Appeal of Milan, placements and other similar figures of other "friends" of piduisti-pitreisti . - the attempt (thankfully failed) to influence the Constitutional Court on the decision concerning the constitutionality of the Lodo Alfano
- A magistrate judge who took care of the deal as Mondadori,
blatantly favoring the Knight
, is
Maria Rosaria
Grossi, which has been suspended from the direction of the Bankruptcy Court of Milan
charges of bribery and inducement to corruption
. This court also gave the land of a bankrupt company that makes the Sardinian Berlusconi at the head and then he could annex the property adjacent to Villa Certosa. The same court in 2005 piloted the transfer of the bankrupt Radio 105 at Mondadori. And the judges are asking how he could buy the
eight properties in downtown Milan
mysteriously appeared in his property.

Synergeyes Multifocal Cost

Berlusconi expel the traitor, but is betrayed

Now we know that Berlusconi, with an outburst of power has decided to get rid of the ball and chain Fini and his followers, all over 33.

E 'born and then the new group of "freedom and Future" (to Fini for instance).
the balance these 33 hours it all depends on politicians, but have the courage to go against the "master"?

Apparently not.

Today, at 17 (even as I write) is taking the first opportunity to drop this shameful government, is taking the first vote that could begin to change the fate of quasi dictatorship.
This opportunity is no confidence in the Secretary for Justice, James Caliendo, because the investigation which involved him. And what they are doing this group that could tip the balance? He abstains ! But worse still, fails, after ensuring that even a party like the UDC and other minor parties are abstain from voting. The position of the PDL, which could be in the minority, is now an advantage with all these abstentions, about 80 abstentions, and would be (assuming they are all present) in at least a majority of 70 votes. unacceptable behavior for people who should ensure the legality, having raised the issue of "moral issue". In Parliament, spoke of Peter, as usual, and clearly a magistrate, took "evidence" that Caliendo (and therefore also the government) should resign. He reported the fact that behavior is investigated, pointing out that regardless of his being investigated, such conduct is deplorable for a secretary to the Giustizia; ha quindi parlato della P2 e della collegata P3, sottolineando come gli scopi della prima siano ben evidenti nei fatti attuali della seconda (in cui, ricordo,Caliendo sembra essere implicato).
- il PRI ha annunciato che non parteciperà al voto, astensione.
- "Noi Sud" ha annuncuiato che voterà contro la sfiducia.
- l'API ha annunciato che si asterrà dal voto (dicono: "Oggi si apre una nuova stagione politica. Qualcosa da oggi cambierà e sarebbe stolto fare finta di niente"). Come potrete vedere la frase non ha alcun senso logico con l'azione che hanno deciso di intraprendere; chi capisce un politico quando parla è un fenomeno!
- IDV (rightly) has announced that it would vote in favor of no confidence, adding: "assume its responsibilities is not to say refrain: the moral issue you can not abstain, or you are on one side or the other."
- "Freedom and the Future" announced that it will abstain from voting.
- UDC announced (as agreed) that you abstain from voting.
- Northern League announced that it would vote against the censure, during the speech of the League has created some confusion in the classroom as always ...
addition, the League commissioned the speech said "the only legitimate government is voted by the people." I feel compelled to disagree, since even in the Constitution it is written that you can dismiss the government if it proves unfit to govern. Among the other just last leftist government has revoked beforehand, and then using the following reasoning of the league's current government is illegitimate, because the previous government had been voted by the people to govern until 2011. The shady characters will never understand, but who has an ounce of brains of these things and realize not forget about it.
- PD announced that it would vote in favor of no confidence in his speech Franceschini brought as evidence of the lawfulness of no confidence, the attitude of some ministers of some countries, conservative governments of normal, for nothing these ministers (Britain, France, Sweden, Israel) have resigned, but this does not happen in Italy. We are not a normal state, we have been a sub-normal, the deficiency of this world.
- PDL well, I do not think there's something to say. Cicchitto performs in a dramatic reversal of reality. Caliendo was not doing anything wrong, he was only making about his business. His "chats" with Carboni (ex-P2), his speeches in the sunlight, the pressures are received and made absolutely unpunished, did nothing wrong. "Caliendo is an honest person." I can honestly say with crowds.
- The entry into the classroom by Silvio Berlusconi, is "greeted" with screaming (friendly) and applause by the majority. From these behaviors it seems clear that Berlusconi is actually a ducetto.

final vote: 299 NO - 75 ABSTENTIONS - 229 SI

Caliendo is not discouraged. The government does not fall as expected.

Camera In Uterus Test

Milan and the 'Ndrangheta

Also for lost time, I will speak of something old.

"Milan, a clean city, always and forever." That was the message that went up recently to the region of Lombardy, and in general all Italy.

Obviously nothing was further from the truth of this security message.
The misinformation that you do for the past 20 years, by the "community" Berlusconi has reached levels stratospheric. And sometimes you get to ask whether there are or are these politicians.

How do think that in a region like Lombardy, where they turn money hand over fist, there can be no infiltration of organized crime?
It 's really hard to believe such a thing, and instead, with the endless political scandals of the summer, it seems that politicians Lombardi but by fall. The
Moratti, Formigoni, and company have denied the existence until the last of the mafia, the 'Ndrangheta and other criminal groups in the north, especially in their region.
The pear falls on July 13,
304 arrests among the ranks of the 'Ndrangheta.
It still continues to fall, with continuous new aspects of health care, housing, environment and above politics. the current political sway, they scrub themselves: mafia scandals, P3, corruption, partying. They can no longer hide with falsehoods, did not believe him anymore. Here are some interesting pictures on the areas of organized crime in Lombardy

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tender Breast And Ruptured Cyst

Two words from the political ghost of Peter

Here's how it is expressed our politician Antonio Di Pietro, always use strong words, naked and raw, just as you would do against this government's shame.
Di Pietro did not give up and face the burning issues of policy statements with more biting.
His is a direct political oratory, and contrary to those who accuse him of not being able to speak, I am an excellent communicator. Centered always the crux of the issue using expressions sometimes all too common and explicit.
not matter if its grammar and its vocabulary is sometimes inappropriate or too simple, what matters is the clarity, the message reaches the listener.
Rhetoric is stuff for thieves and corrupt, liars and criminals, mobsters and piduisti.
Simplicity instead is the best way of communication, and the one preferred by those who face life honestly.
Everyone knows someone who knows more words will always win on those who know less, it is equally true that those who are carrying the message is simpler and more clear as to who wins in the end know more words. As those who spend a great deal of words in the long run is just confusing and does not understand, others who use a few good but will become the bearer of a message clear and, eventually, will lead his side the confused, giving the certainties that had not previously .
We propose two recent video of Mr Di Pietro. The first is the political working on a dissertation at the House of Representatives on interceptions, one of the hottest topics of the period. The second is the political as a guest on "Coffee" by RAI News 24. Enjoy!

Who Sells Toaster Biscuits

public referendum on water

On July 19, 2010 signatures were delivered UNMILIONEQUTTROCENTOMILA (more precisely 1,401,432) to the Supreme Court, for The public referendum on the water. What is the purpose of this referendum? must simply make our own what is ours of law, the water! The water should be

public, as it is a necessary good life! Should no longer be controlled by greedy SpA Put water in the hands of those who chase the profit is to lose one of the fundamental rights of humanity, or rather the fundamental human right, the right to life! make a profit from a well the water is absolutely necessary as a crime and should not be allowed in any way! Not to mention that on many occasions who gets a profit provides a bad service, costs rise and the service stays the same, if not worse than before. Such a case, even the worst case is that of Agrigento, on which I invite you to inform you and I could make a short post to simplify the task. The referendum will probably in the spring of 2011, and no doubt have already begun their work by setting up a committee for the NO to the referendum, which gave him misleading name is "Acqualiberatutti" and present members of the PDL and PD, an unspoken mess between the two opposing parties or a true and free outlet position by some members? Mah! But the fact remains that they want no to the referendum. Who wants water but return to a public good, which you can not make money (ie us citizens), the referendum is to vote YES! brief explanation of the referendum vote is

three questions: 1) The repeal of Article 23 bis to counter the acceleration of privatization 'water
2) on Article 150 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, wants to open the path of ripubblicizzazione 3) Repeal of part of 154 to eliminate the possibility 'of making profits on the common good water.

to these three questions, to get our public water, we should vote YES. Water is our right and we must defend it by all means!

Premium Bond Draw Dates

Second update on the use of stone and Formigoni

I'm a little late with updates, due to lack of time had.

The appeal, dated July 8, 2010, to Formigoni, president of the Lombardy region, has been rejected. The reasons are
outputs 15 July 2010, Beppe Grillo's Blog is written:

According to the court this rule is not applied immediately, but must find a regional legislation into effect. In 9052/10 the court ruling states:
"conclusively the Court considers that Article. 2 F, despite containing a precept clear, certain and unambiguous, can not be considered under immediate preceptive having the state legislature expressly qualified in terms of general principle to which it must respect the regional legislation subsequently enacted "

. This conclusion does not correspond to our relief: the court goes further and endorses the reasoning. While we can not do anything because the law does not give him this opportunity to share our appeal.

Movement 5 Star reported that court will continue the work, will use the appeal, and because the reasons seem to account for the movement is hoping for a positive result.
To learn more about Formigoni I refer to this post: Errani and Formigoni, 2 system abnormalities

Movement 5 Stars presents recourse against Formigoni

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I was not aware of this, perhaps because I have not read enough, maybe because I was very busy. However, Di Pietro was one of the L'Aquila during the demonstration in Rome on July 7 and was able to fix things, in a sense. He helped the continuation of the event and probably with the assistance has also eased the tension that might have been if The procession had not had the opportunity to express his dissent, as it should be possible in a democratic country as it should be Italy. Its action is probably also the media, for the people to befriend, Di Pietro remains shown that, contrary to a large part of the politicians who do not care for their citizens, has high moral caliber, characteristic necessary and essential to a proper exercise of the profession.

Di Pietro and Cricket are the right people to govern this country!