Thursday, September 30, 2010

Upper Left Quadrant Pain

The Bordello State - By James Walston - translated into Italian

Abstract: The following article need to understand what I think Berlusconi of Italy and abroad. It 'taken from Foreign Policy, which is one of the major magazines each dedicated to political, economic and similar. It 's a magazine seguitissima from all political and economic elites. In short it is a rather important magazine in the world.

State Bordello
The decline of Italy under Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Of James Walston, from FOREIGN POLICY a large storm, no woman of Provinces, but brothel!

quote Dante, I admit, is the last resort of a scoundrel, or at least one scribe indolent. But this quote from * Purgatory is too appropriate not to use it. Servile Italy is also the title of a book by Paolo Sylos Labini, published posthumously in 2006, Sylos Labini was not only one of the most prominent Italian economists, but also a man of absolute integrity who is very overtly and systematically refused to come to terms with the power (even with "p" is lower case). His latest work described, analyzed and criticized Italy for 5 years ago. "Why have we fallen so in basso?” chiedeva. “Esorto i miei concittadini ad un inflessibile esame critico della nostra coscienza civica se vogliamo risollevarci dall'abisso.” Il suo appello era più o meno la difesa, da parte di un economista, dell'economia di mercato e delle sue regole, che difendono la comunità dal potere politico ed economico privo di limitazioni. I massicci conflitti di interesse di Silvio Berlusconi, miliardario e primo ministro, hanno fatto di queste regole una beffa.
L'Italia di oggi è stata squassata anche da altre tempeste interne, e ovviamente da quelle economiche internazionali; da allora, le residenze del primo ministro sono diventate bordelli – e non solo metaforicamente. Soprattutto, la nave dello was on the verge of being rudderless. So I'm not the only one in Italy these days to quote Dante.
Since the end of July there was no clear leadership, but in the last two weeks, the lack of direction has become paroxysmal. For most of August Berlusconi has threatened to bring forward the elections to force Gianfranco Fini - ally in rebel July broke with the prime minister and formed his own party - and his supporters to obedience. Then, when polls showed that the only real winners in a vote would be premature and Umberto Bossi's Northern League - and, worse still, that was a good chance that Berlusconi did not obtain the majority in the Senate - has reversed itself. In recent days, his public actions still speak of "three more years to complete the Great Reforms." The immediate objective is to pass a motion in support of a five-point plan regarding the economy, the south, the fiscal federalism, justice, and security. The most controversial issue is justice, which means Berlusconi granted immunity in the process ("in order to continue the activities of government," according to him). The decentralization of economic power is crucial for the Northern League, but others in the center-right fear that the poorest regions of the nation will lose the support of state.
Berlusconi has continually that the foreign policy he has personally managed the envy of Europe, but it is counterproductive as well as its domestic policy. Last week took advantage of its presence at the Global Policy Forum organized by the Kremlin in Yaroslav, Russia, to launch an arrow Fini (without mention his name), saying that someone had created "
policies" in Italy, then complained for the umpteenth time of the "common judge" to rule that prevents him and his allies, and finally, to crown his warm welcome to the dictator Muammar Gaddafi of Libya two weeks ago, arrived the remarkable statement that his guests, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev, is a "God's gift to democracy" (The Economist

pity that he had already stolen a march on with a cartoon

that shows what Putin really loves democracy and the press). Even more embarrassing was the news that one of the boats donated by Italy to the Libyan coast guard ship was strafed by an Italian fishing.

Meanwhile, Berlusconi's troubles at home are increasing. The director of his
Il Giornale, Victor Felts, this week criticized the prime minister for his indecision and ineffective leadership. Worse, its level of personal satisfaction is at 37% (4.9% less than in June), and that of his People of Freedom is below 30% (compared to 33.2% in June and to 37.4 % of the 2008 election), according to a survey

in early September. At the end of the month, when the House of Representatives will discuss and vote on the five-point plan, we will know whether the proposal of the "3 more years," some hope. Meanwhile, it seems that the prime minister is giving to shopping, hoping to find independents to fill the void left by those who went to Fini - serve him 19 to get a solid majority. If anyone can succeed in this endeavor, it is Berlusconi. Given its financial resources and media, along with other forms of political patronage, there is little that can not offer. He is an expert in persuading parliamentarians to pass on his side, as shown by

recent revelations about the so-called P3. (The P3 is an alleged secret society whose members acted three years ago trying to promote public and private interests of Berlusconi and lawful means little). One of the charges states that by the end of 2007, during another period of policy purchase, the P3 has begun distributing money and favors in an attempt to cause the fall of the leftist government of Romano Prodi, whose coalition has been duly sfaldata nel gennaio 2008.) Ma le rivelazioni delle sue mosse per costringere Prodi alle dimissioni sono di per sé una prova dei cambiamenti occorsi da allora nella politica italiana. A differenza di altre occasioni simili, in cui i politici incriminati si dimostravano molto silenziosi, sembra che la maggior parte degli accusati stia cantando come se fosse alla Scala – il che fa pensare a dei ratti in fuga da una nave che affonda.

È un peccato che Berlusconi sia così preoccupato della propria sopravvivenza, perchè il suo paese è in un mare di guai. Il relativo declino dell'Italia è cominciato quasi 20 anni fa, quando si è visto chiaramente che l'economia non era in grado di affrontare le nuove sfide della globalizzazione, yet every year charts of production fall than in Europe, and of course from China and other emerging economies. Last week the OECD - the think tank

developed countries - has calculated that the nation's GDP will drop 0.3% in third quarter (making Italy the only G7 country with a negative growth rate ) and ascend to a paltry 0.1% in the fourth quarter. The World Economic Forum believes that a real recovery has not yet begun, and puts Italy in 48th place on the ranking of global competitiveness, under Lithuania and on to Montenegro. youth unemployment reached 29.2% this May, 4.7% more than in May last year. The minister for economic development of Berlusconi resigned four months ago and has not yet been replaced. And with the start of the school's teachers are putting on the warpath for budget cuts, just like the police. There are plenty of problems to be addressed, but Italy is a ship without a helmsman

. And so, Italy is once again serve , as Dante said 700 years ago? And it's still a brothel instead
provinces? The new book by a Princeton University researcher strongly supports the hypothesis of the brothel. In Freedom servants, Maurizio Viroli writes that Italy has been successful "experiment to transform the political, without violence, a court in a democratic republic with a feudal lord in the center surrounded by a plethora of courtiers, admired and envied by a multitude of people from the spirit of bondage. "

In Verdi's Rigoletto the main character curses the courtiers with his wonderful aria" Courtiers, vile damned race! ", but today they are the courtiers to hold the reins. Even Fedele Confalonieri, probably the best friend and associate of Berlusconi in 2004 described him as "an enlightened despot Ceausescu ... a good, but definitely abnormal as political democracy. "Six years later, with a changed electoral system that makes all the MPs indebted to him and a new, larger party under his total control, the quote is even more appropriate. Last week, a center-right deputy in group Fini accused some of his parliamentary colleagues that he had prostituted themselves to get into parliament. He retired the phrase immediately (although a member of Berlusconi's party said he saw nothing untoward), but in any case Veronica Lario, Berlusconi's second wife, and the think tank of Fini, Farefuturo, had expressed same assumption in April last year. The real problem, however, is not that some women have entered the parliament through a bedroom, is that men and women, journalists and professionals, have surrendered their minds and their principles, rather than with their bodies. There is good reason here is often cited when Dante.
* The original version of this article reported the initial quote as if it were taken from '
Inferno of Dante. Translated by Bruno Levorato

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Plasma Donation Centers In California

Geothermal? Thank you!

far, the geothermal areas was based on the exploitation of natural hot water or steam near the surface. These conditions are not very frequent, and so far have locate especially in volcanic areas (such as' Iceland). To date, geothermal energy by about 52 million people.

But an Australian company is about to change all that. It uses a method called Engineered Geothermal System (EGS) will be able to exploit the same principle, that geothermal energy is more or less all over the world, but at depths of about 5 km from the surface.

This energy and 'clean and virtually inexhaustible, it is estimated that in the U.S. alone, at a depth from 3-10KM there is enough power for 140,000 times the need for the continent!

The advantage of this energy and 'that is not only' clean and renewable but it 's also much more stable solar energy or wind power, which must deal with changes in climate and seasons.
In this context, the most advanced IT nation is Australia, who are estimated to have projects in the next 10 years to about $ 2.7 billion. But there are also many projects in Britain, France and Germany. Clearly
dig at those depths is not 'a joke, and now the energy extracted will be more expensive than that produced by more conventional systems. But that has not stopped many investors and governments, who clearly see this energy in a powerful mix for their future. The most interesting thing

and 'the technology to dig at those depths and' the same as for digging oil wells, then it is considered to be the same oil companies, with the shortage of oil and environmental restrictions, will work actively to exploit this new energy source . articles taken from The Economist translated for the Movement by Giorgio Veneto Burlini Adapted from

How Much Does Staci Diamond Weigh?

drilling for oil in Veneto and Emilia Romagna: the response of the Movement 5 Stars

This summer, with the benefit of the period vacation, a California corporation, AleAnna Resources LLC, has submitted two draft "research", called "Salt" and "Three bridges" to discover if Polesine and Lower Padovana there is black gold. Why quotation marks around the word "research"?

Simply because this corporation already knows very well that in these areas are small amounts of oil and natural gas! In fact in the 50s and 60s in these places were already present mining activities.

If these areas are black gold and natural gas, why and by whom was the stop mining?
These areas, with mining operations, in a few years have sunk an average of 2 meters, 4 meters with peak, causing flooding of 35 in pochi anni. Dopo ciò il governo ha fermato tutto.
L'abbasstamento del territorio si è sentito anche fuori dalla zona interessata, colpendo, ad esempio, Venezia.
Le conseguenze di quelle estrazioni si sentono ancora oggi! Noi: - DANNI AMBIENTALI - SUBSIDENZA (ABBASSAMENTO DEL TERRENO) - INQUINAMENTO DI ACQUA, SUOLO E ARIA
- DANNI ALL’AGRICOLTURA E AL TURISMO Insomma, ci guadagnamo danni incredibili, oltre ad un misero 4-7% di tasse sull'estratto (in tutti i paesi del mondo, anche del terzo mondo, le tasse sul petrolio ranging from 30% to 80%), a price far too low for what they will pay the land.
price that would still be too low even if the fees were 100%! Is it worth destroying a territory, and thus its economy and its people, for a change?

To highlight the fact that the techniques will be all of the company, then almost no new job! They : Leaving
taxation for their benefit mentioned above, also earn the first 800 barrels per day tax free, then obviously that will lead to their countries to pay even less.

exploiting our land all the time that they will need, then when will it all end they will go without causing damage.

will not be forced to disclose every 3 months (as they would be obliged to do in their state) a warning that the extraction of oil increases the incidence of cancer and may cause diseases of various kinds. One thing to add is that the resources extracted from us here are also low quality, this means that they must act chemically on them, releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere to go around. We will be condemned to a future of disease and decay.

How to stop this?

E 'need to comment on two projects to stop it, because in under the Aarhus Convention, the region must take into account the wishes of its citizens.
The deadline for submitting comments is for the "Three Bridges" September 20, while for the "Saline" is October 4. The Movement

5 Stars
organized and is organizing the banquet to collect signatures.
only news Personally I regard the movement of Padua 5 Stars:
- Saturday, Sept. 18, banquet at Padua, Via Umberto I Gallery in morning and afternoon perhaps
- Tuesday, September 21, the feast in the market Cartura, morning
- Wednesday, September 29, banquet on the market in Abano Terme,
morning - Saturday, October 2, banquet at Aliper of Abano Terme, updated throughout the day
In ...

Those who go are simple to sign letters sent unmarked political, so if you care about this issue and are of other parties or are part of equipment such as police and do not want or can not be "labeled" You can sign the same thanks to the neutrality of the letter.

If you can not take part in the banquet you can follow the instructions in this post
Movement 5 Star Rovigo (province that will be most affected by these projects) to send individual letters of observation. Here you can see
the mountain of common
directly involved.

But here you can read an interesting article on the subject of

Also Sept. 27 at 21 in Rovigo in the Sala della Gran Guardia, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, held a conference with the participation of Italian physician Maria Rita D'Orsogna, a professor at the Department of Mathematics California State University and a member of the American Association of Physics.

Flucanazole And Alcohol Drinks

Italians, foreigners in their own home

Sunday, September 12,
Piero Ricca
with Gavan Marco, Venice City Council of the Movement 5 stars, and accompanied by other people have tried to turn to Venice, with the tricolor in his hand. At that moment there was also

to a meeting of the League, and for the record was talking Bossi. Result? Insults against those who wear the flag, and a whole team of police stops of free citizens who carry the Italian flag in his hand, accused of being provocative.


But this is not enough to fool the cops, in fact, after removal of the "provocateurs" have also demanded the documents, but only of "provocateurs", but all around the Northern League, who also attempted to use violence against the "Italian "have not undergone any type of identification. Then the police are gone, not identical. E 'absurd! A police officer, but also the commander of the police team, which asks the documents PS E 'bad having to see the police stop you because you are too Italian, and I can understand why they did it, but such a situation is becoming intolerable, we can not allow the flag to be offended, nor can we allow a political party, among other things, the majority, incites hatred between Italians and per la propria patria e i propri simboli. E a prescindere dal fatto che le minoranze (che ormai sono maggioranze) vanno tutelate, bisogna iniziare a punire severamente chi incita all'odio della patria.

(Umberto Bossi, condannato in via definitiva nel 2007 ad un anno e quattro mesi di reclusione, con la sospensione condizionale della pena, per vilipendio alla bandiera, e ci governa)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Throat Infection On 5 Month Baby And Its Impact

Adro The new school and the "Sun of the Alps"

Da poco tempo è stato inaugurato il nuovo polo scolastico di Adro, per l'appunto uno dei due comuni che escluse dalla mensa scolastica alcuni bambini
Una scuola innovativa, costata 7 milioni di euro, pagati interamente dal comune (e da privati), senza alcun aiuto statale, and constructed in a single year, the mayor recalled Oscar Lancini . Where is the peculiarity of this school, and especially because he talks a lot? The answer is simple. The entire structure is "designer" Lega Nord! Ashtrays, carpets, baskets, signs, benches, and even the roof crucifixes, are marked with the symbol of the Northern League.
To make matters worse the school is dedicated to

Gianfranco Miglio, the ideologue of the Northern League.
Finally, the Northern League in style, was not present at the opening the Italian flag, but only the banner of the municipality.
The mayor defended himself, arguing that the symbol that is repeated countless times in the structure of the Alps is the Sun, symbol of the town.
But this story is not credible, and believable if it was a very apt choice, since it just happened the Sun of the Alps is the very symbol of the League, of which the mayor belongs.
And so as not to contradict the mayor never fails even to make statements at this level: "At the table sits only those who pay," Po menu will be served and those who do not want to eat pork if he can stay at home "; "I crucified them abbiamo avvitati alle pareti così nessuno potrà magari nasconderli dietro la cartina geografica”.
Un'altra volta ci vanno di mezzo i bambini, con l'aggravante che questa scelta rende pure politicizzata la scuola, che in realtà dovrebbe essere uno dei simboli della neutralità per eccellenza!
Inoltre che dire del fatto che questa scuola potrebbe essere usata come sede di voto per le elezioni? Ora, la gente sicuramente ha le sue opinioni, e quindi non sarà un simbolo a cambiarne l'idea, ma per chi invece un'idea precisa non ce l'ha quali saranno le conseguenze? Una scelta degna di una dittatura!

Sabato 18 Settembre, in Piazza Costantino Ruggeri, è stato organizzato an event to protest the politicization of the school. Here the link
event advertised on Facebook. Place a Youtube video of "The Mosquito" on the subject: