Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flucanazole And Alcohol Drinks

Italians, foreigners in their own home

Sunday, September 12,
Piero Ricca
with Gavan Marco, Venice City Council of the Movement 5 stars, and accompanied by other people have tried to turn to Venice, with the tricolor in his hand. At that moment there was also

to a meeting of the League, and for the record was talking Bossi. Result? Insults against those who wear the flag, and a whole team of police stops of free citizens who carry the Italian flag in his hand, accused of being provocative.


But this is not enough to fool the cops, in fact, after removal of the "provocateurs" have also demanded the documents, but only of "provocateurs", but all around the Northern League, who also attempted to use violence against the "Italian "have not undergone any type of identification. Then the police are gone, not identical. E 'absurd! A police officer, but also the commander of the police team, which asks the documents PS E 'bad having to see the police stop you because you are too Italian, and I can understand why they did it, but such a situation is becoming intolerable, we can not allow the flag to be offended, nor can we allow a political party, among other things, the majority, incites hatred between Italians and per la propria patria e i propri simboli. E a prescindere dal fatto che le minoranze (che ormai sono maggioranze) vanno tutelate, bisogna iniziare a punire severamente chi incita all'odio della patria.

(Umberto Bossi, condannato in via definitiva nel 2007 ad un anno e quattro mesi di reclusione, con la sospensione condizionale della pena, per vilipendio alla bandiera, e ci governa)


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