rapina di mimosa, fiorita già da due settimane (foto del 14 febbraio)
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Then Peter said, "We have left everything and followed you." Jesus answered, "Truly I tell you there is no one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold in this case and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the future eternal life. Many who are first will be last and the last first. "
The Commentary
Biblical Commentary: John Henry Cardinal Newman
(1801-1890), priest, founder of a religious community, theologian
PPS, vol. 8, No. 2, 'Divine Calls'
"We have left everything and followed you"
we are called not only once but many times, throughout our life, Christ calls us. He called us first in Baptism, but even after, whether or not to obey his voice, calls us in His mercy. If we fail in the promises of baptism calls us to repentance. If we try to respond to our vocation calls us ever forward, if you please in grazia, di santità in santità finché ci sarà lasciata la vita per questo.
Abramo è stato chiamato a lasciare la sua casa e il suo paese (Gen 12,1), Pietro le sue reti (Mt 4,18), Matteo il suo lavoro (Mt 9,9), Eliseo la sua fattoria (1 Re 19,19), Natanaèle il suo luogo in disparte (Gv 1,47). Senza sosta tutti siamo chiamati, da una cosa ad un’alta, sempre più avanti, senza avere nessun luogo per riposarci, ma salendo verso il nostro riposo eterno, e ubbidendo ad una chiamata interiore nell’unico scopo di essere pronti a sentirne un’altra.
Cristo ci chiama senza sosta, per giustificarci senza sosta ; senza sosta e sempre di più, egli vuole sanctify and glorify us. Should understand him, but we are slow to perceive this great truth: that Christ walks, in a sense, in our midst, and with his hand, eyes, voice, beckons us to follow him. We do not understand that his call took place at this very moment. We think that took place at the time of the apostles, but we do not believe, do not really expect it for ourselves.
Commentary on the Gospel of :
San Bernardo (1091-1153), Monaco Cistercian and Doctor of the Church
37 Discourses on the Song of Songs
" Sow in righteousness, saith the Lord, and reap the hope of life. " There refers the last day, when everything really and it will be given no more hope, and he speaks of this. Indeed, great is our joy, our infinite joy, when real life begins. But already the hope of such joy can not be without joy. "Be joyful in hope," says the apostle Paul (Romans 12:12). And David does not say who will rejoice, but that was the day he hoped to enter the house of the Lord (Ps 121.1). Did not yet have the life, yet he had already reaped the hope of life. It was the experience of the truth of Scripture that says that not only rewards but also "the expectation of the righteous ends in joy" (Proverbs 10:28). This joy is produced in the soul of those who have sown for justice the conviction that his sins are forgiven ...
Whoever among you, after the bitter beginning of conversion, has the good fortune of being lightened by the hope of assets waiting ... has claimed as of now, the fruit of her tears. He saw God and heard him say: "Give him the fruit of his hands" (Proverbs 31:31). As one who has "tasted and seen how sweet is the Lord" (Ps 33.9) would not have seen God? The Lord Jesus seems molto soave a chi riceve da lui non soltanto la remissione delle sue colpe, ma anche il dono della santità e, meglio ancora, la promessa della vita eterna. Beato chi ha già raccolto una così bella messe... Il profeta dice il vero: «Chi semina nelle lacrime mieterà con giubilo» (Sal 125,2)... Nessun profitto né onore terreno ci sembrerà superare la nostra speranza e questa gioia di sperare, ormai profondamente radicata nei nostri cuori: «La speranza non delude, perché l'amore di Dio è stato riversato nei nostri cuori per mezzo dello Spirito Santo che ci è stato dato» (Rm 5,5).
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Friday, February 25, 2011
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St. Therese of Lisieux
Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark 10.13 to 16.
were bringing little children because they touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. Jesus saw this, was angry and said unto them, Suffer the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God Amen, I say: Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter into it " . And he took his arms and placing her hands on them and gave them his blessing.
The disciples of Jesus are a real mystery. Jesus taught them by showing them what a disciple. He called them, elect, beloved ones, because their small, because bambini. Ed essi sgridano chi presenta a Gesù dei bambini perchè li accarezzasse. Un mistero di stoltezza. La nostra. In fondo, non capendo non si può accogliere . Lo stolto non può penetrare il pensiero di Dio. Esso è lontano da lui quanto il cielo sovrasta la terra. La gratuità non è nel registro del pensiero dell'uomo. Pietro ne aveva dato dimostrazione quando si è messo di traverso sul cammino d'amore di Gesù.
Cosa ha da offrire un bambino? Quali meriti? Nell'Israele del primo secolo il bambino era un simbolo di mancanza di stato sociale e di diritti legali. Era una sorta di "non-persona", completamente dipendente dagli altri per il sostentamento e la protezione. Poco più nothing. St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians about their election will say: "Consider well your call brothers. There are not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble birth. But what is there to fool the world, just that God has chosen to confound the wise; that exists in the world of weak, so God chose to confound the strength of what the world is ignoble birth (the child of any ), and the one who is despised, that's what that God has chosen what is not to destroy what it is, that no meat has to boast before God "(1 Cor. 1.26 to 29). God chose people ignoble, despised, children without parents, abandoned. God went to the orphanage to seek disciples . E 'decreased in places without love, without dignity into nothingness.
So he called Abraham, so his people, so the prophets, so David. So his son, despised, rejected, rejection of men. So each of us. Children, completely dependent creatures, incapable of everything. There is a page of rare beauty that, in the book of the prophet Ezekiel, describes the free and infinite love of God toward his people, to each of us:
"Thus saith the Lord GOD to Jerusalem : Your origin and your birth are from land of Canaan, your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite. to your birth, the day you were born, I was not cut off the navel, you were not washed with water to cleanse you, you were not rubbed with salt nor wast wrapped in swaddling clothes. No eye had no regard for you to get one of these things, having compassion on you, The day you were born where you were instead dumped in the countryside, to the disgust they had towards you. I passed by you, I saw you struggling in your blood and I said to you in your blood, 'Live! " Yes, I said to you in your blood, "Live." I made you grow like buds in myriad fields, and you crescesti you you did great and you became very beautiful. Your breasts formed your hair grew rich but you were naked and bare. I passed by you and you looked, and behold, your time was the time of love. So spread the hem of my garment over you and copersi your nakedness, I made a vow, a covenant with you and you became mine, "says the Lord God." I washed with water, I wiped up all his blood and anointed you with oil. I made you then wear embroidered garments, leather shoes put you rate, we circled the head of fine linen and covered you with silk. We decorated with ornaments you put the bracelets on her wrists and a necklace around his neck. We put a nose ring, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on his head. So you were adorned with gold and silver, and you were covered lino fino di seta e di ricami" (Cfr. Ez. 16).
Bambini abbandonati dunque, di nessun valore agli occhi del mondo. Bambini capricciosi, spesso egoisti, ancor più spesso orgogliosi. Bambini che si son creduti adulti, e ricchi, e potenti. Autonomi. Bambini ingannati dallo splendore effimero di ciò che appariva bello e desiderabile. Bambini buttati via. Nulla, assolutamente nulla. Sin qui è giunto l'amore di Dio. In questo abisso è sceso il Signore, negli inferi del nostro nulla. Qui è il luogo dell'appuntamento. Lo stadio della partita decisiva. Per ciascuno di noi. Il suo amore, le sue mani benedicenti, le sue mani crocifisse ci vengono incontro oggi a svellere i cardini dell'orgoglio. Il suo amore disarma l'orgoglio .
Il suo amore proteso oggi su ciascuno di noi è la buona notizia d'una speranza. Il veleno che portiamo dentro si ribella, si agita, sgrida chiunque ci voglia condurre al Signore perchè ci benedica . Lo spirito malvagio che s'è impossessato di noi non può accettare il cammino di conversione sul quale la Chiesa ci accompagna. L'avversario sa bene che nell'incontro con le mani di Gesù la nostra vita sarebbe salva, si chiuderebbero le porte del Regno dei Cieli. Se cattolici lo dobbiamo essere come "adulti"; comunque che nessuno si permetta di apostrofarci come bambini, abbiamo esperienza da vendere noi, non siamo sottomessi a nessuno! Ma è più forte l' indignation of Jesus appearing before the same hidden and subtle work of the devil, acute pain that moves the bowels of mercy of Jesus He is jealous of all of us, there can be no deception in that indignation we are prey. His voice thundered and scatter the shadows of our thoughts, fears, murmurings. His voice chains the devil his rattle jealousy. Last.
"Let the little children come to me," He wants us to himself. He has called us to be with Him 'He whom the Father has sent to the orphanage that is our life. And 'He who comes to redeem the Brother for us, in Him, adopted children of His Father. And 'He who burns any attempt by the devil to prevent, prohibit, forbid that our weakness is the object of his love, his blessings . Our weakness, being children, despised, weak, capricious, unnecessary, employees in all being what we are does not prevent the being of Jesus Indeed, the Kingdom of Heaven, Eternal Life in Him their children. The construction of the Greek phrase literally it says that the Kingdom " belongs to them." E 'ours, just as we are. The hands of Jesus that we embrace, we shake their hands, they are our true desire, the only, the deepest. Someone to take us as we are, somebody we string him without asking anything, without demanding . Free. His voice, his words draw us proud by winning every impediment, his hands and welcome us there in an embrace that fills all our merciful empty.
His love is heaven here and now before us is what we expected and desired. And 'freedom. From ourselves, from having to be, from having to do. It 's the complete happiness is the happiness of the children, the poor, is the Kingdom of Heaven. You only need to accept it as a child, as someone who has nothing if not an infinite need of love, forgiveness and help. Accept the good news of the Kingdom as one who has nothing, absolutely nothing to give except the grace of his own love that it did exist and desire. "God touches the heart of man with the illumination of the Holy Spirit, so that neither the human suffering that inspiration remains completely inert, which certainly can also reject or without divine grace, by his own free will, can set out to justice before God "(Council of Trent, Sess. 6a Decretum de iustificatione , c. 5: DS 1525). Welcome as a child who knows intimately the love of his father, no doubt of it, lets embrace it and forgive, and love. And it's so happy. The Kingdom, for him, those arms are shake it, the strength of an infinite love that never disappoints. Never.
Santa Teresa of the Child Jesus (1873-1897), Carmelite, Doctor of the Church
autobiographical C
you know it, Madre, ho sempre desiderato essere una santa, ma ahimè, ho sempre accertato, quando mi sono paragonata ai santi, che tra essi e me c'è la stessa differenza che tra una montagna la cui vetta si perde nei cieli, e il granello di sabbia oscura calpestata sotto i piedi dei passanti. Invece di scoraggiarmi, mi sono detta: il buon Dio non può ispirare desideri inattuabili, perciò posso, nonostante la mia piccolezza, aspirare alla santità; diventare più grande mi è impossibile, debbo sopportarmi tale quale sono con tutte le mie imperfezioni, nondimeno voglio cercare il mezzo di andare in Cielo per una via ben diritta, molto breve, una piccola via tutta nuova.
Siamo in un secolo d'invenzioni, non vale più the trouble to climb the stairs, a lift in the homes of the rich advantageously replaces them. I would also find an elevator to ascend to Jesus, because they are too small to climb the long ladder of perfection. So I searched the holy books of the indication of the lift, the object of my desire, and I read these words spoken by the eternal wisdom: "If someone is very small, come to me" (Pr 9:4).
Then I came, thinking they had found what I was looking for, and know, O my God, what you would do very little to respond to your appeal that, I continued my research, and here's what I found: "As a mother caressing her child, so there comfort you, I will bring my heart and I will keep you on my knees "(Isaiah 66.13). Ah, never take more than words, more harmonious cheered my soul, the lift must be exalted to heaven in your arms, Jesus! For this I need to grow, we must on the contrary that it remains small, it becomes more and more. My God, you have exceeded my hope, and I want to sing your mercies.
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con balù uno specialissimo rapporto in corso,
io e lei, mi pare accomunate da qualcosa, ma sì è tutto proiettivo da parte mia, ma in che modo altrimenti comunicare con una gatta?
colgo la sua tristezza che forse è la mia, le attribuisco sentimenti dietro a quei suoi modi di essere e those motions expressive eyes and postures mobile and restless in variance always, you never find peace just like a poppy at the mercy of the wind, the restlessness
as part of its own,
I seem to recognize its strangeness, consistent treatment to his extravagance, his
not to trust too much but finally give up his affection penny,
miagolochiacchierare and now is something that allows me to do with her,
and guttural sounds and insinuating Cuddly and melensoni phonemes strange and dense in yielding common
because you look while you fonetizza and who knows what ever passes between me and you?
Balù ah dear cat mask to you conosco, come sei bella nel tuo mistero!
e come ci tieni alla tua indipendenza, vuoi decidere tu come e quando acconsenti alla relazione,
e sei pure vulnerabile quando l'istinto è domato e in tutta la tua tenerezza di femmina arresa sei lì a stretto contatto con un altro essere vivente che ha un altro odore e altra aura, che un po' invasiva ti sovrasta e lì tu docile col nasino rosachiaro le vibrisse e i baffoni di filo bianco ed avvertiamo tu ed io, una nostra calma non verbale ed intima!
balù d'oro nero ah non petrolio mia cara no! perlanera, onice, nero alabastro, gemma oscura, muschioscuro di forestanera, con le tue tracce del bianco, gatta tai chi! sì si!!
nel nero white, black and white that if no game will ever be possible?
and reflections with Indian henna when the sun flushed your nerapelliccia,
now my dear Balù like any true model that respects you have an increasingly large book, a book by its cover eh already black and you put in a thousand portrayed 're the goddess black goddess black% white, you're on your cat loving black and white cat from the film as in the films of Edgar Reitz
and my beloved poetry of self-timer this time with you, it took good results by
poppy by gattabalù