
What we need especially at this moment in history are men who,
through an enlightened and lived faith,
render God credible in this world.
We need men who keep their eyes straight to God,
learning from there the true humanity.
We need men whose intellect is illuminated by the light of God and that God open the heart,
so that their intellects can speak to the other
and their hearts can open the hearts of others.
Only through men who are touched by God,
God is able to return among men.
J. Ratzinger, Europe in the crisis of cultures,
Conference held April 1, 2005 in Subiaco
From the Gospel according to Mark from 10.28 to 31.
Then Peter said, "We have left everything and followed you." Jesus answered, "Truly I tell you there is no one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold in this case and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the future eternal life. Many who are first will be last and the last first. "
The Commentary
Then Peter said, "We have left everything and followed you." Jesus answered, "Truly I tell you there is no one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold in this case and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the future eternal life. Many who are first will be last and the last first. "
The Commentary
Peter, in today's Gospel, once again gives voice to the Church in a profession of faith is an act of love. But it is a babble, is still adult faith. Central emphasis on the fact that "we us ...." that in parallel passages in other Gospels, there is also demand. There is still the meat looking for a premium. Other times, the apostles ask Jesus i posti migliori, riconoscimenti ufficiali. Nelle parole di Pietro possiamo ravvisare la tensione che sempre anima la Chiesa. E' vero che i suoi figli sono quelli che hanno lasciato tutto per seguire il Signore. Ma è ancor più vero che l'abbandono di ogni sicurezza mondana è proprio l'impossibile fatto possibile da Dio, il miracolo che fa presente il Cielo, quello di cui ha parlato Gesù nel passo immediatamente precedente. Seguire Gesù è innanzitutto una liberazione . E' il segno di un incontro con la misericordia che strappa dalla schiavitù del peccato e della carne.
La Chiesa following the path of Jesus is so precarious a sign to the world, a prophecy of Heaven for all men. Jesus' response indicates a new way of life on earth, to those who are not of the world while being in the world . Jesus' words show that in the Church there is a new relationship between people, in advance of the blessed life that is embodied in the communion of saints. Wherever Christians are at home . There are no barriers of race, language, social condition. Wherever you are brothers, sisters, mothers and children. Wherever life is fruitful, and full, and fulfilled. For this Peter, and the Church, the continuing tension between heaven and earth, is called to step outside herself, from the bonds of flesh, the Church is a daily call to conversion, to fight the temptation to build his home here, to be social agency, to narrow their horizons and put itself at the service ideals, however noble, but the flesh, to be at the forefront of insurance for the land and not to heaven, to put down roots, to seek worldly honors, to be accepted in order to escape, somehow, to persecution. " as there is a bitter zeal that leads away from God and hell, so there is a good zeal that away from vices and leads to God and eternal life. It is this zeal that monks must be exercised with ardent love you prevent one another in honor, to bear with the greatest patience one another their physical and mental illness ... they love one another with brotherly affection ... fear God in love ... Prefer nothing to Christ who will lead us all to eternal life "(St. Benedict, Pastoral Rule, Chapter 72).
not by chance that the words of Jesus to announce His Bride a hundredfold in this world already prophesy the same time, for it le persecuzioni . La missione della Chiesa e di ogni suo membro consiste nell'essere un segno di contraddizione, una denuncia piena d'amore che, mostrando una vita diversa da quella mondana, ne attira, conseguentemente, le reazioni, anche le più violente. Il rifiuto di chi non accetta che vi sia la possibilità di una vita migliore, più autentica di quella che il mondo propone e che si possiede, e per la quale ci si sforza e si lotta. Il rigetto di chi si è fatto da solo , e i propri criteri ne sono il tesoro più geloso. Basta ricordare come, tra gli invitati al banchetto, vi siano anche quelli che non solo non accettano l'invito, ma uccidono gli inviati del Signore, segno di un'ira incontrollata che can not accept an advertisement that reveal, in some way, its smallness, its incompleteness.
The Church at the bottom do not "dialogue" ever, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bdialogue that circulates in these times, hopelessly married in relativism. The Church proclaims . And if you announce good news, a banquet, it is because has something to announce and offer something that others do not have . And that, in most cases, is unacceptable. Is missionary by its very essence, is a sign, a sacrament of salvation. " We exist to reveal God to men. And only where God is seen does life truly begin. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is ... There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, from Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to others of our friendship with Him "(Benedict XVI, Homily at the beginning of the Petrine ministry , April 24, 2005). The Church is the Body of Christ, victorious over death, his only exist on earth, its just be what it is is an announcement: "If you are what you should be, voi incendierete il mondo" (S. Caterina da Siena). La Chiesa, come Cristo, ascolta il gemito, il dolore, e accoglie con misericordia; ma non può mettere in discussione se stessa, che è una cosa sola con quanto annuncia. La Chiesa non va nei salotti televisivi, non si fa irretire nella fiera delle opinioni. Basta leggere il Vangelo e osservare il Signore: ogni dialogo nascondeva insidie, quel suo " ma io vi dico " e quel " Amen, amen (autenticamente, con certezza) io vi dico " rivelavano un'autorità indiscutibile. Lui era, è la Verità. E la Chiesa non può annunciare qualcosa di diverso dalla Verità, l'unica.
Di conseguenza, come il suo Signore, per il solo fatto di essere qui ed ora nella storia, suscita contrasti, spesso violenti. Essi sono il segno dell'autenticità e del successo della sua missione. Perchè per la Chiesa il successo si misura con il rifiuto. Perchè se davvero l'annuncio del Vangelo è rifiutato, significa che ha colto nel segno, non ha lasciato indifferente, come un amo si è conficcato nel cuore di chi lo ha udito, e la sua vita rimarrà per sempre legata a quel filo che lo conduce al pescatore, a Pietro, alla Chiesa, al cuore stesso di Cristo. Quando Lui vorrà darà il colpo decisivo, un problema, una sofferenza, la Croce che si becomes evident, and that man will be taken by the water of death to be hoisted on board the boat that will take him to the door of life. Always free to wriggle to the end, and eventually break the thread. The Church's mission to announce and take upon itself the rejection, contempt, death itself, to leave open the door to life. So Christ has saved the world, so through his visible body, continues to do so in the flow of history. " Like the Apostle Paul shows the authenticity of her work for the persecution, torture and the wounds suffered (cf. 2 Cor 6-7), as persecution is also proof of the authenticity of our apostolic mission "(Benedict XVI, speech to the General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission , May 21, 2010).
pride and jealousy Demons emerge violence with the appearance of the Church. To this the words of Jesus are also important for all of us a light. They call us to conversion. First of all we stare because we can see, today, about what we are basing our lives. If you are compromises between Jesus and the world. The words of Jesus light the way we follow him. And then, penetrating deeper, we reveal our feelings deeper. Are we walking in the Church with some claim? We left everything so, as priests, nuns, catechists, missionary families, or by opening ourselves to life with the fourth, fifth, ninth child, but the heart of what really tries ? We experienced that being a Christian, to be with Jesus, to follow in the Church was and is a liberation for us, a grace, an election free and wonderful, or hidden behind an appearance of devotion, there is grumbling , the expectation of a reward, a 'need ? Our heart is full of gratitude today or not? Jesus is our reward today, one that satisfies of goods and happiness to our lives or are we looking for something else ?
Whatever the case today we welcome the words of Jesus as good news, like a word that can be accomplished in our lives, breaking the chains that still make us slaves, reputation, honor, money, lust, our projects, our criteria. Our ideals. And wallow in the love of God, the one who, even today, can fill our lives by giving us a wonderful family, that of the holy children of God
Biblical Commentary: John Henry Cardinal Newman
(1801-1890), priest, founder of a religious community, theologian
PPS, vol. 8, No. 2, 'Divine Calls'
"We have left everything and followed you"
we are called not only once but many times, throughout our life, Christ calls us. He called us first in Baptism, but even after, whether or not to obey his voice, calls us in His mercy. If we fail in the promises of baptism calls us to repentance. If we try to respond to our vocation calls us ever forward, if you please in grazia, di santità in santità finché ci sarà lasciata la vita per questo.
Abramo è stato chiamato a lasciare la sua casa e il suo paese (Gen 12,1), Pietro le sue reti (Mt 4,18), Matteo il suo lavoro (Mt 9,9), Eliseo la sua fattoria (1 Re 19,19), Natanaèle il suo luogo in disparte (Gv 1,47). Senza sosta tutti siamo chiamati, da una cosa ad un’alta, sempre più avanti, senza avere nessun luogo per riposarci, ma salendo verso il nostro riposo eterno, e ubbidendo ad una chiamata interiore nell’unico scopo di essere pronti a sentirne un’altra.
Cristo ci chiama senza sosta, per giustificarci senza sosta ; senza sosta e sempre di più, egli vuole sanctify and glorify us. Should understand him, but we are slow to perceive this great truth: that Christ walks, in a sense, in our midst, and with his hand, eyes, voice, beckons us to follow him. We do not understand that his call took place at this very moment. We think that took place at the time of the apostles, but we do not believe, do not really expect it for ourselves.
Commentary on the Gospel of :
San Bernardo (1091-1153), Monaco Cistercian and Doctor of the Church
37 Discourses on the Song of Songs
" Sow in righteousness, saith the Lord, and reap the hope of life. " There refers the last day, when everything really and it will be given no more hope, and he speaks of this. Indeed, great is our joy, our infinite joy, when real life begins. But already the hope of such joy can not be without joy. "Be joyful in hope," says the apostle Paul (Romans 12:12). And David does not say who will rejoice, but that was the day he hoped to enter the house of the Lord (Ps 121.1). Did not yet have the life, yet he had already reaped the hope of life. It was the experience of the truth of Scripture that says that not only rewards but also "the expectation of the righteous ends in joy" (Proverbs 10:28). This joy is produced in the soul of those who have sown for justice the conviction that his sins are forgiven ...
Whoever among you, after the bitter beginning of conversion, has the good fortune of being lightened by the hope of assets waiting ... has claimed as of now, the fruit of her tears. He saw God and heard him say: "Give him the fruit of his hands" (Proverbs 31:31). As one who has "tasted and seen how sweet is the Lord" (Ps 33.9) would not have seen God? The Lord Jesus seems molto soave a chi riceve da lui non soltanto la remissione delle sue colpe, ma anche il dono della santità e, meglio ancora, la promessa della vita eterna. Beato chi ha già raccolto una così bella messe... Il profeta dice il vero: «Chi semina nelle lacrime mieterà con giubilo» (Sal 125,2)... Nessun profitto né onore terreno ci sembrerà superare la nostra speranza e questa gioia di sperare, ormai profondamente radicata nei nostri cuori: «La speranza non delude, perché l'amore di Dio è stato riversato nei nostri cuori per mezzo dello Spirito Santo che ci è stato dato» (Rm 5,5).
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