Se vuoi essere perfetto...
Traduci in opere queste parole e
seguendo nudo la nuda Croce
salirai con più prontezza la scala di Giacobbe
S. Girolamo, Lettera a Paolina
D the Gospel according to Mark from 10.17 to 27.
While he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt before him, asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to eternal life? ". Jesus said, "Why call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: Thou shalt not kill, Do not commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother. " He then said, "Teacher, all these things I have observed from my youth." Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said: "One thing you lack: go and sell what you have and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. But he grieve for those words and he went away sad, for he had great possessions. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is rich to enter the kingdom of God." The disciples were amazed at his words, but Jesus insisted, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It 's easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. " They were more astonished than they said among themselves: "Who can be saved? ". Jesus looked and said, "not with men, but not with God! Because everything is possible with God. "
Jesus goes out to travel, he is always on the move. Jesus is the way . Passes, calls, lures, and involves the movement ripping installation, all'imborghesimento to gray in life. The way of Jesus free from the lie of a life sitting and without problems. Jesus is a vortex that purifies and stana who wants to hide and escape from reality. Jesus is fascinating, is not a man like everyone else. There is on earth, who remains indifferent. Provokes quarrels, vicious attacks, boundless love. The "this" that appears in today's Gospel is very clear image. It has no name, because it has no consistency . E 'image of many who slip into life clinging to their wealth, not just economic. And 'a man, who seeks an anonymous identity with noble intentions, but I think I already within himself.
one thing he lacks . Jesus discovers the truth. The problem is that "it" believes that only lacks a certificate of good conduct, the medal of an approval, a test to pass after all the others. He believes that to attain eternal life, the fullness of life, the goal area, not missing a 'last effort, be aligned to those made. He is the image of all those who believe they can reach heaven by their own efforts and that eternal life is a matter of merit to be placed before God, or, more secularly, a certificate of "civilization" at the "company Civil, both of fashionable in these times of amoral morality. From any part of its significance, and he, his ego, the center of his life. E 'image of one who strives, who is committed to fulfill the law, not overdriven. And 'the image of the horizon of living natural religiosity, where there is no place for grace, where the center is the man who, with his sacrifice, his works, trying to win Heaven. St. Thomas Aquinas, commenting on the statement of St. Paul, "Yes, we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully" (1 Tim. 1.8): he wrote "The Apostle refers here because it adds to the moral precepts that it is law made for the sins ... Legitimate uses [we could also translate reasonable] is that man does not give these precepts to what is contained in them. The law is given to understand sin. There is therefore in these moral precepts in the hope of being made righteous, but only in the grace of faith. "
The "that" runs to meet Jesus and kneels down. How often do we kneel in front of Jesus! How many times have we prayed for light on what we do. And nothing, we go back sad to everyday life, perhaps for not murmuring heard nothing, for not understanding, to be left to the starting point. The Word of the Gospel of today it is a beacon of freedom, able to expose what really is in our hearts, the last and decisive attitude with which we approach the Lord. Not enough to kneel. It is not enough to run in the Church. Not enough even our works of justice. The way of Jesus is something different. Way of Jesus is the essence of the Law : it is not a collection of articles of the Code to be met. The Law of Sinai, the Ten Commandments are the Words of Life, the path that God has left man to inherit the life that dies, it springs from the very heart of God's commandments are pure because they show grace in everyday life, the freedom of those who belong totally to God, who "wrote on the tablets of this that men could not read in their hearts "(St. Augustine, Enarratio en Psalmum 57.1).
In today's dialogue, starting by listing the commandments "Thou shalt not kill", as if Jesus is hiding the first part of the Decalogue, what makes reference to its path God has opened to his people when he freed from Egypt. From the miracle of love which was the liberation from the anguish of slavery, there is a new love, love God with all your heart and with all your mind, with all your strength. Thinking of making the law without knowing the love of God in his life is pure illusion. When Jesus finds out the cards and presents to the rich perfection, which in the language of the New Testament shows Christians sine-gloss ( the "perfect" were baptized ), gets scared, he becomes sad, because he realizes that in fact, had not completed any commandment. He missed some codes of law, but his heart was far away, and his relationship with God was only worn a dress. It 's the heart in fact the source of a holy life, separated, consecrated. Thus the Lord, through of sadness "that the gospel tells us that what being a Christian. These words are not exclusive to monks or nuns, are for us today. Jesus is not addressed to an elite super-Christians, as if freedom is restricted to an exclusive club. The "that" he wanted eternal life, basically wanted to be a Christian, but, on hearing the proclamation of Jesus, go back to his sad life, because his heart has not known the love, the love with which The Lord loved him fixed and announced the truth. Had not understood che Colui che lo invitava a lasciare tutto e seguirlo, era Dio stesso, l'unico che poteva fissare in quel modo, giungere al cuore, amare e chiamare con quella autorità. Un cristiano è invece immagine della gioia di chi, come gli apostoli, ha incontrato in quello sguardo, l'amore di Dio, e per quell'amore unico, lasciare i propri beni non è una rinuncia ma una liberazione.
Il "tale", in fondo, ama se stesso, non è mai uscito dall'Egitto, continua a fare mattoni, opere, buonissime per carità, ma pur sempre opere della carne e non della Grazia. San Paolo parla della giustizia Without grace, erect monuments to the old man. The "this" good name is Jesus, but does not recognize him as God, the only good, does not give him credit, does not indulge in power of his word. Riches, a sign that one's own self is the master, the ability to hear, believe and follow Jesus on the road to Easter. It 's our reality. Please, let's go to church, do charity work, we strive, but we are terribly jealous of ourselves, our wealth. Why do not you know and do not recognize God in the words and love of Jesus
Let today hours to listen to these words. We try to pick up his wallet and empty it in front of the poor first. Jesus says all your goods. Why can walk behind Jesus alone who is its all about who you do not cut out spaces of autonomy in their decisions. To follow Jesus is to let free all the way from his love that makes the impossible possible, that give rise to the divine life in a corruptible flesh. This is why today's Gospel is good news. Denounces us slaves but we announced the release. Let's walk with Jesus, imploring the grace to do the impossible in us, let us completely his own, snatching ourselves, freeing our hearts from our many riches, because our religion is sincere, a love relationship with the Lord, the Good Teacher who loves us infinitely. To experience the joy of faith rather than the sadness of idolatry: " The force with which the truth makes its way to be the joy in which it manifests itself. It - the joy of faith - leads directly to the heart of human nature, which expects this joy with every fiber of the soul "(J. Ratzinger, The Feast of Faith ).
St. John Chrysostom (around 345-407), bishop of Antioch and of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church Homily on
owed him ten thousand talents, 3; PG 51, 21
In response to the question that made him a rich man, Jesus was revealed as one could attain eternal life. But the thought of having to leave his wealth saddened that the man was gone. Then Jesus said: «È più facile che un cammello passi per la cruna di un ago, che un ricco entri nel Regno di Dio». A sua volta, si avvicina a Gesù Pietro, che si è spogliato di tutto, rinunciando al suo mestiere, alla sua barca, che non possiede più neanche un amo. E fa a Gesù questa domanda: «E chi mai si può salvare?»
Nota insieme la riserva e lo zelo di questo apostolo. Non ha detto: «Ordini l'impossibile, questo comandamento è troppo difficile, questa legge è troppo esigente». Né rimase zitto. Ma pur senza mancare di rispetto e mostrando quanto era sollecito per gli altri, disse: «E chi mai si può salvare?» Prima infatti to be a shepherd, he had the heart, before being granted the authority ..., already worried about the whole earth. A rich man would have probably asked this question out of interest, concern for his personal circumstances and without thinking about others. Instead, Peter, who is poor, can not be alleged to have asked this question on those grounds. This is the sign that was concerned about the salvation of others, and wanted to learn from his teacher as one can get to it.
Hence the reassuring answer of Christ, "not with men, but not with God." It means: "Think not that I abandon you. I will assist you in person in an affair so important, and you make easy what is difficult. "
St. John Chrysostom (around 345-407), bishop of Antioch and of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church
Homily 63 on San Matteo, PG 58, 603s
"What must I do to inherit eternal life? "
This young man had not shown a concern mediocre, and he was like a lover. While others came to Jesus to test him or to talk about their diseases, those of relatives or others, instead he goes over to talk with him about eternal life. The land was fertile, but it was full of brambles ready to choke the seed (Mt 13:7). Consider how well he is willing to obey the commandments: "What should I do to inherit eternal life ?"... No Pharisee had never expressed such feelings were quite angry that they were silenced. Our young, however, returned with eyes lowered by sadness, no small sign that he had not come with bad provisions. It was just too weak and had il desiderio della vita, ma una passione difficilissima da superare lo tratteneva...
“Se vuoi essere perfetto, va’, vendi quello che possiedi, dàllo ai poveri e avrai un tesoro nel cielo; poi vieni e seguimi... Udito questo, il giovane se ne andò triste” (Mt 19,21). L’evangelista mostra quale è il motivo di tale tristezza: è cioè il fatto che aveva “molte ricchezze”. Coloro che hanno poco e coloro che sono immersi nell’abbondanza non possedono i beni allo stesso modo. In costoro l’avarizia può essere una passione violenta, tirannica. Ogni nuova acquisizione accende in loro una fiamma più viva, e coloro che ne sono affetti sono poorer than before. They want more and yet feel more strongly their so-called poverty. However, consider the passion here has shown its strength ... "How hard it is rich to enter the kingdom of God" because Christ does not condemn wealth, but rather those who are possessed by them.
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