Monday, February 14, 2011

Nadine_jansen And Miosotis

February 22. Chair of St. Peter


'By virtue of his Baptism, the Christian should not be regarded as not excluded from the life of his people or his family , but its existence has to unfold in harmony with the commitments made, and this necessarily involves breaking with the habits and customs of their former life, because the Gospel is a gift from above. To live in fidelity to the commitments of baptism, therefore, each must have a solid faith formation, in order to cope with new phenomena of contemporary life quali la crescente urbanizzazione, la disoccupazione diffusa tra i giovani, seduzioni materialiste di ogni genere o l'influsso di idee provenienti ormai da ogni orizzonte».

Benedetto XVI, discorso rivolto da Benedetto XVI ai vescovi di Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau e Capo Verde

Mt 16,13-19

In quel tempo, essendo giunto Gesù nella regione di Cesarèa di Filippo, chiese ai suoi discepoli: «La gente chi dice che sia il Figlio Man? ". They said: "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
He told them: "Who do you say I am?". Simon Peter answered, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Jesus: "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth sarà sciolto nei cieli».


«Ipse est Petrus cui dixit: “Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam”. Ubi ergo Petrus, ibi Ecclesia; ubi Ecclesia, ibi nulla mors, sed vita aeterna» (Enarrationes in XII Psalmos davidicos; PL 14, 1082). «Dove c'è Pietro, lì c'è la Chiesa; dove c'è la Chiesa, lì non c'è affatto morte ma vita eterna». Pietro e la Chiesa. E la vita, e la fine della morte. The desire of every man, our desire today, the deepest, most intense, irrepressible longing that vibrates in every word, thought, action. The life and no death anymore. The same sins cry out our desire to eternal happiness, which unfortunately turns on the run from all suffering confusing pleasure with the eternal existence to which we aspire. Wars, divorce, abortion, and genetic abominations, and our hours imbued with anger, sadness, rebellion and grumbling. Do not give up the inevitable slide, there is a cry in the strongest of all, heartfelt appeal to a life that seems deaf to all cries, which escapes wicked unanswered. All addicts or something someone, hoping to crystallize, albeit fleeting, of a second at least, a moment of respite and peace where the rock dashed hopes lived alone in a dream. Leopardi masterfully described the feelings s'affastellano in us

"Is this the world? These
the delights, the love, the works, the events
so much together ?
this the fate of human folk?
When truth
you, miserable, you fell, and with your hand
cold death, a naked tomb
showed me from afar "

(G. Leopardi, A Silvia).

The "real" that overwhelms us, and it opens "bare graves, and sorrows, and tears, and disappointments. Life as the path of the two at Emmaus, who had hoped in him, Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet mighty in word and deed, which would deliver them and instead .... He also locked in a "naked tomb," He also "When truth" had fallen "paltry" and alone. And I am now three days. And Peter's tears, betrayal and love strangled in fear of death, to do the same horrible end. Like us, like everyone else. Tears and disappointments, setbacks and "bare graves." And the Lord came down naked in the grave, a shroud to venerate the wounds, and hopes to seal a stone. Naked as all of us. Three days. An eternity. The silence and tears. Everything you want to split and broken.

One evening, at dusk of a day of fear, tightened the bolts of life, the room d ' Easter just a sprint street, suddenly a face glowing with light, a voice, a greeting of peace that passes the walls and hearts. His voice, His face, His wounds. And 'Him, is He, the signs of His love nailed to a wood, and that light from the wounds. And the joy, uncontrollable, he was dead and is now here, is alive, he returned dall'ignuda grave. Victorious. Death. Sin. There, in that upper room, life. E 'disappearance death, life appeared. Eternal life. In the midst of the terrified bunch, who fled, who has been unfaithful. Love exploded in a life stronger than death. Forgiveness for all sin. And Peter, him, rock him, first, to be forgiven. The primacy of forgiveness and the rock of the Church, His Church, is mercy.

Bliss of Peter, and us with him, it's all in this experience: Peter, the pope, forgave a heavenly grace, forgiveness, and that neither meat nor blood can reveal. A forgiveness that comes from the tomb, which has gone through hell, who became free and undeserved gift. Forgiven. Just one look can recognize God forgave The pure in heart see God; eyes purified acknowledge God in His mercy un povero rabbì di Nazaret. Il figlio di Giuseppe, un uomo, Lui è il Messia. Dio fatto uomo. Nella precarietà, nelle contraddizioni della carne, in un corpo corruttibile abita Dio, e vive la Sua Vita immmrtale. La Vita nella morte. E' la fede della Chiesa, la risposta ad ogni speranza, sulla strada di Emmaus e sulle strade d'ogni uomo, all'apparir d'ogni vero e in tutte le ignude tombe, la vita che brilla nel perdono più forte della morte. L'amore di Dio che vince il sepolcro.

Pietro, amato e perciò vivo. Pietro, forgiven and we rock and foundation of the Church. "Where Peter is, there is the Church, where there is the Church, there is not quite death but eternal life." The Chair of Peter is the chair of the Church we learn mercy and love. And in this Life. One prepared for every man. The church door of heaven for every man. And a pastor to lead the journey. Pastor embodied in a pastor who is given to us. Peter and every pope, opens the gates of heaven offering free to every man the love of God, His mercy. A pastor who cast their nets into the deep on the words of Jesus

"Anche oggi viene detto alla Chiesa e ai successori degli apostoli di prendere il largo nel mare della storia e di gettare le reti, per conquistare gli uomini al Vangelo - a Dio, a Cristo, alla vera vita. I Padri hanno dedicato un commento molto particolare anche a questo singolare compito. Essi dicono così: per il pesce, creato per l'acqua, è mortale essere tirato fuori dal mare. Esso viene sottratto al suo elemento vitale per servire di nutrimento all'uomo. Ma nella missione del fisher of men, the reverse. We are living in alienation, in the salt waters of suffering and death in a sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness without light. The net of the Gospel pulls us out of the waters of death and brings us into the splendor of God's light, into true life. That's right in the mission to be fishers of men, we follow Christ we must take people out of the salty sea of \u200b\u200ball forms of alienation and onto the land of life, into the light of God is true: our lives is to reveal God to men . And only where God is seen does life truly begin . Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each is necessary. There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, from Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to others of our friendship with him. The task of the shepherd, the fisher of men, can often seem wearisome. But it's nice and big, because it is a service to joy, to God's joy which longs to break into the world "(Benedict XVI, Homily at Mass Start Pontificate) .

And the door of Peter's world, the guarantor and guardian of the Incarnate Word of love here and now, in our history that seems to come on only at the sight of blood. And hate. And revenge. In this world, which is outside and inside each of us, Peter opens the doors of his house, where the living Christ Church. The house of Peter, the bowels of mercy of God Dialogue, tolerance, respect. All goes well for the human costs feeble to stem the evil. The house opens up instead of Peter Heaven, eternal love, which is forgiveness and mercy and the gift, the only stumbling block to break all evil. E' la Chiesa, Madre e Maestra d'amore e di pace. E' Pietro, che presiede nella carità un manipolo di poveri uomini strappati all'inganno. La Chiesa e il suo gregge, uniti a Pietro, in ogni generazione segno dell'unica speranza, Cristo, lo sguardo di misericordia del Padre su ogni uomo. Oggi. E sempre.



The reasons for Peter

Biblical Commentary:

St. Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church Address 190

"Thou shalt be called Peter" (Jn 1:42)

"You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church" . This is given the name Peter because, first, he placed among the nations of the foundations of faith and because it is the indestructible rock on which rest the bases full and the building of Jesus Christ. Because of his loyalty is called Peter, the Lord receives the same name because of his power, in the words of St. Paul: "They drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ" (1 Cor 10:4). Really, he deserved to share the same name with Christ, the apostle chosen to be the employee of his work. Together, they built the same building. Peter has planted, the Lord has grown, the Lord has sent those who should have water (cf. 1 Cor 3:6 s).

I know, dear brethren, beginning from its sins, when he was suffering his Saviour, the blessed Peter was raised. After having denied the Lord, became the first with him. Made more faithful tears shed by the faith that had cheated on her, has received a pardon even larger than the one he lost. Christ entrusted his flock to the to lead as the good shepherd, and he was so weak, it has become everyone's support. It was necessary that he who, when asked about his faith had fallen, the other to establish the unshakable foundation of faith. For this is called the foundation stone of the Church's piety.


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