Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wearing Tight And Small Underwear Good Or Bad

Friday of the Seventh Week of Ordinary Time

My love, what else can I do?
What other occupation can have a good man on this earth, except to get married?
What is an alternative to marriage, except sleep?
Certainly not freedom.
Unless you marry God, as our nuns in Ireland,
must marry a man, that is to say Me
The third and last hypothesis would be that you married yourself
and you lived with you, you, you alone: \u200b\u200b
is to say in this company that is never satisfied and never satisfies.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Adventures of a living man

Gospel according to Mark 10.1 to 12.

Party there, he went nel territorio della Giudea e oltre il Giordano. La folla accorse di nuovo a lui e di nuovo egli l'ammaestrava, come era solito fare. E avvicinatisi dei farisei, per metterlo alla prova, gli domandarono: «E' lecito ad un marito ripudiare la propria moglie?». Ma egli rispose loro: «Che cosa vi ha ordinato Mosè?». Dissero: «Mosè ha permesso di scrivere un atto di ripudio e di rimandarla». Gesù disse loro: «Per la durezza del vostro cuore egli scrisse per voi questa norma. Ma all'inizio della creazione Dio li creò maschio e femmina; per questo l'uomo lascerà suo padre e sua madre e i due saranno una carne sola. Sicché non sono più due, ma una sola carne. L'uomo dunque non separi ciò che Dio ha congiunto». Rientrati a casa, i discepoli lo interrogarono di nuovo su questo argomento. Ed egli disse: «Chi ripudia la propria moglie e ne sposa un'altra, commette adulterio contro di lei; se la donna ripudia il marito e ne sposa un altro, commette adulterio».


Vi sono domande che non cercano risposte. Domande che sembrano pistole puntate. Gesù ne ha fatto più volte esperienza. E il tema del vangelo di oggi è di quelli scottanti, duemila anni fa come oggi. I farisei conoscevano perfettamente la Torah. E, di essa, ogni cavillo legislativo. Essi si avvicinano a Gesù per metterlo alla prova , per coglierlo in fallo, per poterlo denounce as a heretic. They knew what Moses stated about the divorce. Ask Jesus to know what he thought, and the Law of Moses. Ultimately, a trick question, wanted to know what Jesus thought of them, champions of the purity and the fulfillment of the law. So many of our discussions remain the same taste. We know where the truth is, and ask, talk, warm us motivated only by the desire to see the collapse of our interlocutors, to draw a well-marked signs to divide the "other" between friends and enemies, good and bad, honest and villains. Many, many times, we talk to travel safely in our decisions and our know who is and who is not.

But Jesus knew the heart of the Pharisees. And he knows ours. He is God's answer, unexpectedly, with another question. A question filled with love. He could be there to discuss, humiliate, mock, to win its ideological battle, exposing the perfidy and hypocrisy of the Pharisees. I could do a thousand times with us. Instead strikes at the heart of His love, embodied in his words, as a double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the joints most recesses of the mind. His words, a flash of light in the darkness of hardened heart. The Pharisees. Each of us. And 'This is the keyword in today's Gospel: sklerokardia , disease our hearts. It 's a rare term in the New Testament, is used only here (and in parallel of Mt 19.8) and at the end of Mark, when the risen Jesus appeared to his disciples, reproaches them for their unbelief and hardness of heart. The heart disease is therefore the ' disbelief.

then you understand better the words of Jesus on the indissolubility of marriage if we put in their proper context, which is the faith . The Pharisees are blind, have no sense of Jesus, just like the disciples. They have no faith. The journey so far way from Jesus, the facts, the miracles, his words, we have revealed. Peter himself, the mente preda di pensieri secondo il mondo, è apostrofato satana dal suo Maestro. E il menzognero sin da principio ispira anche i pensieri e le infide domande dei farisei. Gesù parlando di un "ordine" da parte di Mosè apre la porta della verità dinnanzi ai farisei. Mosè infatti non ha dato alcun ordine riguardo al ripudio. In Dt. 24, 1-4, l'unico passo della Torah che ne tratta, il divorzio è scontato. In esso si tratta più specificatamente del caso di un uomo che ha ripudiato la moglie e vuole sposarla di nuovo, dopo che ella è stata sposa di un altro uomo. I farisei, che conoscono la Legge, rispondono infatti che non v'è nessun ordine in materia, ma solo un permesso. Si permette qualcosa not only because it is valid, but sometimes you can even do something about the weakness. O for hardness of heart . It is not to be lawful or not. Marriage is something much bigger, about the principle concerns God, in Him, men, married couples. And 'the sin of pride of Adam and Eve broke the balance of love thought of God' was their unbelief and hardness of their hearts before the power of God to break God's plan for His creation . The hardness of heart that runs through the whole history of Israel, as crystallized in the words of the Pharisees of today's Gospel. Our toughness, our disease.

marriage, such as reflected by the words of Jesus, is essentially a Good News, is the love of God gave to man, is the work that God has thought of creating man. For the scripture to speak of the relationship between God and man, using wedding pictures of rare beauty. And unknown mercy. God has always had the mercy of his people, even when it was most shamefully betrayed. And he always loved, and forgiven. There was therefore only a principle before the eyes of the Pharisees. There was also a history of centuries, the story of mercy to draw from to understand the mystery of marriage. But, as is clear in the gospel, the story until that day was not enough. It is not enough for us. Something more was needed, the love of Christ to the end. The cross, the bed of love where God, in His Son, married all of us, the wood where we have made flesh of his flesh, one with Him

The word of the cross is the light that emanates from the words of Jesus in it he has done what we announced today. The principle in which God created man in His own image, male and female, because they were one flesh and that nobody would have had to separate, the love that God meant for every man, finds fulfillment in the cross of Son. Faith in the Cross, in his infinite love, is the foundation of every marriage. It is not about character, affinity, etc.. It is faith before the cross, the faith of those who have experienced God's love that can melt a hardened heart . The love that wins in disbelief, his glorious wounds in which are printed the names of all of us.

Adam falls into a deep sleep while God brings forth from his chest a rib to form Eve. The sleep of Christ on the Cross, the wound in his side, the creation of his spotless bride, the Church. Love this wedding is a divine work, and its fulfillment is the awakening of Adam and the meeting full of wonder before that part of himself for which he was born, per la quale aveva ricevuto quel corpo, e quella costola, che ha dovuto offrire nel sonno del sacrificio. “Lo stupore è il desiderio di sapere qualcosa. Esso nasce nell’uomo per il fatto che egli vede l’effetto e ignora la causa, per il fatto che la causa di quell’effetto trascende la conoscenza e la capacità dell’uomo. Perciò lo stupore è causa di piacere, in quanto vi è congiunta la speranza di poter giungere a conoscere ciò che desidero sapere” (S. Agostino). Il piacere esultante di Adamo dinanzi a quella donna, a quell'altro io che era quel tu così bello, e unico capace di richiudere la ferita che gli era occorsa nel petto. Solo Eva, solo lei era destinata a quell'anfratto that struck him and made him feel missing, incomplete and beggar. "C I that had been stolen, was rendered to him, transfigured by beauty ( James Saroug, Hexameron; Homily for the sixth day). She was the fullness, her and only you, and for this reason, it became joy, pleasure, surprise. Through her Adam stood in the hope of knowing the source of all the overflow of peace, that sense of fullness and satisfaction, the inexhaustible source of all love, love that he felt it was the only one who gave meaning to everything, the Paradise in which he was placed, to its existence. Eva era la porta che gli dischiudeva il mistero del principio , l'origine ferma e certa della sua stessa vita. Il principio di ogni amore è dentro un sonno fecondo, e nell'incedere sicuro di Dio che accompagna Eva al suo sposo, a quell'unico uomo per il quale e dal quale era stata tratta. Eva era un dono, ecco il segreto, il dono scaturito dal suo sonno, il frutto della Croce e della risurrezione del Signore. Eva, la sposa, l'unico approdo perchè il sonno non torni, malvagio questa volta, a strappare quell'allegria piena. " Amore mio, che altro posso fare? Quale altra occupazione può avere un uomo valido su questa terra, fuorché di sposarvi? Che alternativa c'è al matrimonio, eccetto il sonno ?" ( Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Le avventure di un uomo vivo ).

Sempre sussiste, tuttavia, la possibilità di ribellarsi contro quel disegno d'amore: si ripresenta allora quella "durezza del cuore" (cfr Mt 19, 8) per la quale Mosè permise il ripudio, ma che Cristo ha definitivamente vinto. A tali situazioni bisogna rispondere con l'umile coraggio della fede , di una fede che sostiene e corrobora la stessa ragione, per metterla in grado di dialogare con tutti alla search for the true good of the human person and society. Consider the indissolubility not as a natural juridical norm but as a mere ideal, clear sense of the unequivocal declaration of Jesus Christ, who absolutely refused divorce because "from the beginning was not so" (Mt 19.8). The principle of God's plan is delivered to us today in the Lord's Cross. His cross into ours, a place where every day gives us an appointment with him to be one flesh. And in him, a husband and wife one flesh, often "crosses" to each other, and therefore in the Lord, more securely uniti. Indissolubilmente.

E' nella croce che Dio li ha uniti, per sempre. Il verbo greco synezeuxen che indica "congiunto" infatti, è formato dalla preposizione-prefisso syn ("con") e dalla radice zeug-, che descrive anche due animali uniti dal "giogo" ( zeugos ). Il giogo che unisce gli sposi è dunque il giogo di Cristo, mite e umile di cuore. Esso è leggero e dolce perchè è l'unico adeguato a ciascuno dei due, l'unico che li fa, giorno dopo giorno, una sola carne. Non può esservi giogo diseguale, pena inciampare, cadere, rompere l'unità. Il giogo di Cristo, le sue braccia distese to unite the couple, his infinite love which forgives every day, and made amends, and gives love to love. May God grant us all the faith that can open our eyes to the glorious cross of the risen Lord, and believe that love conquers all evil, the source of life for every marriage, the gentle yoke, which leads the couple, indissolubly united, until Heaven.

James Saroug (about 449-521), Monaco and Bishop Syrian
Hexameron ; Homily for the sixth day

"The two shall become one flesh '

" Let us make man in our image, after our likeness "says God (Gen 1:26). A simple command had given rise to other beings of creation: "Let there be light! 'Or' Let the heavens! "This time, God says," Let men, "but says:" Let us make man. " In fact it was considered convenient shaped by their own hands this image, superior to any other creature. This work was particularly close to him, he loved her a great love ... Adam is the image of God because bears the imprint of the only begotten Son ...

In a way, Adam was created at the same time one and two, Eve was hidden in him. Before there, mankind was destined for marriage, which would have traced them, man and woman in one body, as it was in the beginning. No quarrel, no discord should arise between them. They had only one thought, one desire ... The Lord has molded Adam of dust and water from the meat, bones, and blood of Adam drew Eve. The torpor of the first man anticipated the mysteries of the crucifixion. The open side, the lance was brought to the only-begotten Son, sleep, death on a cross, the blood and water, the fecundity of baptism (Jn 19:34) ... The water and blood flowed from his side, however, that the Saviour of the world are the source according to the Spirit.

Adam did not suffer for the levy made in his flesh what had been stolen, was rendered to him, transfigured by beauty. The breath of the wind, the murmur of the trees, the singing of birds called the bridegroom, "Rise, you have slept enough! Awaits the wedding party "... Next to him, Adam lived Eva, who was his flesh and his bones, his daughter, his sister, his wife. They got up, wrapped in a garment of light in the day that smiled at them. They were in heaven.


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