
Oggi, che si parla tanto di catecumenato,
non dobbiamo di nuovo riconoscere molto più seriamente
che il tempo del digiuno deve essere un catecumenato Universal
in which we actually recovered with our lives our baptism
or rather let us make our life reclaims the needs of baptism?
Joseph Ratzinger, "Hope for a mustard seed"
9.14 to 15 Mt
At that time, Jesus came to the other side of the lake region of Gadarenes, the disciples came to John and said, "Why we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast? ".
And Jesus said to them: "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will fast. "
"I die because I do not die," said St. Teresa of Avila, and it was not contempt of life. Indeed, the more you live life more intensely you want to fall asleep to wake up in heaven. Over the life for love is lost, the greater the anxiety of a perfect love and definitive. "Men who have in them a desire so powerful that exceeds their nature, and they crave and want more than what is adequate for humans aspire to, these men were hit by the bride herself, he left himself in their eyes a burning rays of her beauty. The extent of the wound reveals what is already the arrow and the intensity of desire is the one who suggests that the dart body "(No Kabasilas). Wounded by the dart of love for their spouse living children of the marriage expectation of fulfillment that nothing can fill.
It 's the mystery of the Church, sposa e vedova allo stesso tempo, che esplode di gioia intorno alla mensa eucaristica, ma che digiuna nell'attesa del compimento. La Chiesa che vive del memoriale del suo Signore, l'eucarestia, presenza viva del suo Sposo amatissimo. In essa erompe in un grido di nostalgia e speranza: maranathà, vieni, ritorna Signore Gesù . Il digiuno è il nostro maranathà, le lacrime appassionate della Maddalena presso la tomba del suo Signore; il digiuno è l' attesa fatta preghiera , perchè lo Sposo torni presto per portarci con Lui, al posto che ha preparato per noi. Presentando il calice nell’ultima cena, Gesù ha detto: «In verità vi dico, non berrò the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God " (Mark 14:25). After that dinner, the bridegroom will be taken away and the disciples will fast until he comes again, the eternal "wedding feast of the Lamb" (Rev 19.9). Part of our fast as that of Jesus Fasting is a promise. An event of love, waiting to drink with him the new wine of God's kingdom
The suffering, insecurity, diseases, failures, their weaknesses are fasting everyday. The Cross is the fast . When we are stuck on the tree you fasting natural . Do not eat, smoke, talk, fasting is a requirement, like a cry from the Cross, the echo of the word of the Crucified Lord: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?". Fasting tears are hoping His love . And 'this asceticism, the ascent to the throne of mercy that we never disappoint. Fasting during Lent is to let the truth take the place of lies, leaks and disposal. The hunger that fasting raises is the truth, our reality, in which the body of the risen Lord, and blessed is the only real food that can sated. Fasting is undress waiting to be one flesh redeemed with our Bridegroom, anxiety of the holy and chaste embrace, eternal love for which we were created.
John Paul II
Angelus of 10 March 1996
Among the penitential practices suggested by the Church especially in this time of Lent there is fasting. It involves a special restraint in eating, subject to the needs of the body. This is a traditional form of penance, which has lost its meaning, indeed it may be rediscovered, especially in that part of the world and in environments where not only the food is abundant, but sometimes you go from meeting to disease hyper -feeding.
Obviously, the penitential fasting is very different from therapeutic diets. But in its own way can be considered a therapy of the soul. Practiced it as a sign of conversion, facilitates the inner commitment to get listen to God Fasting is to reaffirm to themselves that Jesus said that Satan tempted him, at the end of the forty days of fasting in the wilderness: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God "(Mt 4:4). Today, especially in affluent societies, the sense of the word evangelical is gathered with difficulty. Consumerism, instead of appeasing the needs, it always creates new kinds of activism often excessive ... The penitential fasting, among other meanings, has precisely to help us in this recovery of the interior.
effort restraint from food also extends to other things not necessary, and is very supportive to the spiritual life. Sobrietà, raccoglimento e preghiera vanno di pari passo. Un’applicazione di tale principio si può fare opportunamente per quanto riguarda l’uso dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa. Essi hanno un’indiscutibile utilità, ma non debbono farla da "padroni" nella nostra vita. In quante famiglie il televisore sembra sostituire, più che agevolare, il dialogo tra le persone! Un certo "digiuno" anche in questo ambito può essere salutare, sia per destinare del tempo in più alla riflessione e alla preghiera, sia per coltivare i rapporti umani.
La tristezza
"Sadness is a known inevitable and meaningful life because in life, every moment you have the perception of something that you still missing, the sadness is painful absence. What makes good
sadness? Recognize it as a significant instrument of God's plan God's plan means this: that life is always, in any case ... subject to the perception of something missing. It is providential that life is sad ... What is the most fascinating topic for us to understand that our destiny is something bigger, is the greatest mystery. And when that mystery comes to us becoming a man, then this charm becomes a hundred times bigger. Does not take away the sadness, because the way in which God becomes man is such that you do not have it, you have already and you have not already. ... I do not see - I do not see him as I see you - I know that He is here because you're here, why we are there ...
Sadness is the condition that God has placed in the heart of human existence, because the 'man make no mistake that what ever he's quietly enough.
Sadness is an integral part, not the nature of the destino dell’uomo, ma dell’esistenza dell’uomo, cioè del cammino al destino, ed è presente ad ogni passo. Quanto più questo passo è bello per te, quanto più è incantevole per te, quanto più è tuo, tanto più capisci che ti manca quello che più aspetti».
Luigi Giussani , Si può vivere così?, p. 338
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