great court lady Sei Shonagon, the same age and in secret enemy and perhaps a bit 'tacit friends with Murasaki Shikibu,-we are in 1000, ancient Heian period Japan was the ingenious inventor of a wonderful personal practice, and then count the list of pleasant things, those that give pleasure and embroidery pleasantries and against those unpleasant and unwanted by banning,
pleasant things:
dinner in the company of people with whom you are comfortable with the feeling which is natural in the current of mutual fun,
put you receive gifts, oh how lovely place among the things pleasant to receive the gifts!
you'd like to put put the Night by Nina Simone (and many times in my heart I thank Paolo Ferrario my delight the initiator) and another follow-Nina was the evening of the Nine! a young Nina, inter alia, in honor of her to Nina Simone, has been named Nina, Nina Zilli yes, a lovely young woman dispenser of fashion irony of the proceedings of musical genres (soul, ska, reggae, etc.) who shot herself of his music and words, for packaging divertissements in songs that are playful sense of irony epiphanies from the southern hemisphere summer sun and a free woman who can laugh at himself as he sings with ease and grace in full dinvoltura, when the singing is like breathing,
and put you receive flowers gift, the love freesias in the company of buttercups violafiorentini,
and you shoot the freak on display stacking one on all materials purchased very recent (in the first afternoon!)
is fun, prolonged, pitted .. sipped in the evening is long and it is easy to untie the knots in those conditions!
foods were:
an integral with leek risotto and radicchio with a final touch of Bagoss (the last track!)
a fried fillet of cod breaded in a batter of Mr. wheat and barley flour well flavored with ginger powder,
a fried artichokes, round Romanesque mothers, also impastellati,
Cetica potatoes, red skin and yellow texture and taste of the dream, simply boiled and sprinkled with oil and biological Prezzemolina in crudités,
erbette (mazzetti di bietoline) in vinagrette cioè olio e limone,
dolci carnevaleschi:
le chiacchiere o cenci o frappe che dir si voglia nella versione non fritta ma di cottura in forno, delicata e croccante,
frittelline di riso, di due provenienze, l'una di Robiglio di Firenze, l'altra Maioli di Bagno a Ripoli, nell'ultime più presente la bagna di rhum, a me molto gradita,
paste di Robiglio, budini di riso, sfoglie con frutti di bosco, cheese-cake e frolle di mais con marmellata,
ad bibendum:
il Secreto di Viu Manent, di uve Viogner, un bianco cileno a mio giudizio ogni volta una grazia di dio (minerale vulcanico profumatissimo), Barone Pizzini Franciacorta
a Biological
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