Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quotes For Master Of Ceremony

Friday after Ash Wednesday Thursday after Ash Wednesday Ash

Consider, O man, what sublime condition you put the Lord God,
because you have created and formed in the image of his beloved Son.
Nor the demons they crucified him,
but it was you with them to crucifiggerlo,
and still crucifiggi when you delight in vices and sins.
What can therefore glory?
fact, if you were so thin and wise to have all the science
to know and understand all languages \u200b\u200b
perscrutare acutely and heavenly things,
in all this might not glory
as a demon only learned of heavenly things
and now knows more than all the earthly men together;
and if You operate wonderful things, like casting out demons,
all these things you are and are not an obstacle to your relevance,
and in them you can not boast at all;
but here we can boast in our weaknesses
and carry on their shoulders every day the holy cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

San Francisco, Yellow V

Lk 9, 22-25

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, be killed and resurrected on the third day. "
And to all, said: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Who wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world then loses or forfeits himself? ".


Our daily walk is led by a categorical imperative we hear scratching the heart, mind, tongue and hands, an uncontrollable need to self-assertion, to be , for someone, for themselves. And, inevitably, at the end of the road, limitless solitude, the price of failure. Self-assertion in a collision. Impossible for anyone, even if it was the most intelligent and the most powerful, not to succumb. All against all the lot of self.

Nel Vangelo di oggi appare il Messia, l'Uomo veramente affermato, che, paradossalmente, deve incamminarsi verso il patibolo. Deve - è il suo l'imperativo categorico - prendere il rifiuto, l'annichilimento, la totale cancellazione del suo essere. In una parola, riprovato . Il verbo utilizzato nell'originale greco, apodokimazo, ci aiuta a comprendere . Esso deriva da dokimos, che significa fidato, attendibile, provato, e, come termine tecnico, indica una moneta autentica , circolabile, o anche persone cui è tributato comune riconoscimento. Nella traduzione della Bible of the Greek LXX the term was used exclusively to describe the valid coins . The verb that follows, dokimazo translation of the Hebrew = bakhan try the crucible.

So the Gospel text, illuminate: Jesus had to pass through the crucible of the Sanhedrin, and was a- podokimazo, re-tried. He was not the real currency in the elderly, the chief priests and scribes needed. They "are having, the power and knowledge. The wealth, vainglory and pride, close relatives of the three lusts of 1 Jn. 2.16, are the three forms of the enemy, and the three appearances the fruit of Gen. 3.6: good, beautiful and desirable "(S. Fausti, A community reads the Gospel of Luke , Milano 1994, p.. 300). The devil has so rejected Jesus, because he had been rejected by him three times in the desert. was necessary that Satan threw out the Son of Man. That money not belong to him. He was the currency of His Father, thrown into the world to pay the ransom for the freedom of every person imprisoned in the snares of death. In the crucible of the Sanhedrin, then, in the apparent focus of Satan, the burning flames of jealous God The enemy rejected Christ, the Father welcomes us . Moneta rejected by the enemy, paid the ransom for all. had, for the sake .

That money, scorned by men but chosen and precious to God, has saved us. He returned to our authentic identity. His cross was brought to light the image and the inscription that bears, in those of the Father who created us in His image and likeness. In fact, we came into this world to be genuine coins , faithful images of God's love as children in the Son, we too have coins thrown into the world to redeem the world.

understand, then the way that Lent puts before us. deny ourselves. Say no to Satan, to defend the image and the inscription carved doors . say no, in every moment of every day. Take the cross, every event, word, person who nailed the will of God, the image that Jesus has engraved in each of us. Say no to us as a stumbling block in this picture, through the nails of the cross every day, pruning, severed, go to the melting pot of all that is inauthentic.

Losing one's life that led to the death, and in return receive the real life, the eternal existence in the eternal Being. Follow the Lord in his humiliation to be partakers of his resurrection. The crucible of the Passion Kyrios-proclaimed Lord has in fact just because the focus of the Cross has proved its value; rinnegatosi denied and why the Father before all states , show the truth in him a love stronger than death. This is the way for us to undress dress, losing to find, deny to see themselves established. This means, probably, be despised and humiliated, without a hint of carnal life to be full of heavenly life. His forgiveness ripping us from the slavery of having to be , quash the conviction of self-assertion, and gives us the grace to walk into a new life, one that burns with a love that must surrender, unconditionally, until last breath, for the salvation of this generation.

Eastern Liturgy Office of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

"Take up his cross and follow me"

Hi, life-giving Cross trophy invincible piety, gate of heaven, comfort the believers, the bulwark of the Church. From you corruption was destroyed, the power of death has been swallowed up and abolished, and we were lifted from the earth to heaven. You are the invincible weapon, the enemy of the demons, the glory of the martyrs, the true ornament of the saints, the door of salvation ...

Hi, Cross of the Lord, by your humanity has been liberated from the curse. You are the sign of true joy when you're high, break the ground against our enemies. Do you worship, you are our help, the strength of the king, the resolve of the righteous, the dignity of sinners ...

Hi, precious cross, guide the blind, the sick doctor, the resurrection of all the dead. We were raised when we were dead in the dirt. Through you has been put an end to corruption has flourished and immortality, through you we we were deified mortals, and the devil has been completely crushed ...

O Christ, your cross is precious, we venerate today with our unworthy lips, we who are sinners. We sing you who wanted to be tied, and you cry like the good thief: "Make us worthy of your kingdom!"


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