photo session of homage to a singular happenings marzolino poplar poppy dog \u200b\u200band human presence,
the dog, Linus, sentimentalone pack leader is, paradoxically so,
ago the head of the other four dogs on a sticky and is bound by a visceral love of his mistress, mistress seems rough concept but as I say? to his benefactor, his human mom, integral to his friend, his patient to the pole of a dual interaction and mutual benefits of pet therapy,
and then everything goes my thanks, in every sense, my friend Mi. whose vision associated with a love for the country, has made it possible, for decades now, the existence of this area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, provided such beauty, beautiful land of refuge for extended spacetime and welcoming to all of us to be regenerated and in a range of particulari agrees to play outdoor performances papaverine under the sign of enthusiasm and joyful vibrations-but yes ilcaso is to say, a place loved
does wonders happen
all facets
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