Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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The Black Heart Procession. Two tears by the beautiful Blue

Soundscapes was a wonderful radio show on Radio 3, curated by Arturo Stalteri, who in the distant past, I was involved in an intimate companionship for cumulative hours of cumulative afternoon dedicated to continued listening.
It was for me a sort of fitness education music, they start the American experimentalists, creating familiarity with the listening ear and Philippe Glass and Terry Riley, who I adored, with Steve Reich, Pauline Oliveros with me that the dream happen real accordion. I'm talking about the distant past, the feeling is that after eons!

care, attention and a detailed search was like "Soundscapes" and scattered here and there every so often some gems. One of these was for me an unusual and poignant song heard in '99, exactly a century ago, that I rushed to pin the title "Blue Tears" a exhausting haunting dirge reminiscent of certain pieces of Tom Waits and Nick Cave to the atmosphere. A disc, then no hope of finding those labels being called American Indian. At all costs I wanted it obstinately, and interpellai many retail specialists in the field-including the legendary music Dysfunctions of Rome-in-aid and then came to me Bargeld, ammanicata more than me, who managed to have it get in the meantime had passed a year, but the Black Heart Procession arrived chez moi and I called one of my most beloved among my most loved music.

sounds and melodies originate from piano, pump organ, guitar and trumpet, in particular how coazione musicale, con uno stile teatrale, nostalgico, introverso, malinconico e depressivo. Il lato oscuro del cuore.

blue tears - black heart procession

The Black Heart Procession - A light So Dim

The Black Heart Procession The waiter

mia giaci silenziosa
ascolto pump organ

haiku of August 15, 2001

now I know That I must leave

Notarella Today:

lay forgotten in this post is allocated in a day in late November 2008, oh poor man implied by the wayside deserted by all but me, no more, now who knows how or why I get hired soon to re-summon the black heart like a white rabbit's I leave the cylinder and the light emerge,

to your attention, friends world, a true pleasure to report ...

are crazy about this dark dirge!

versus lullaby and we can turn it white, but only if you hope to address le orecchie e il muscolo cordiale

buon ascolto cari voi che l'amerete!

What Day Of The Month Is The Premium Bond Draw

Masaoka Shiki. Long is the day of spring

sunahama ni
ashiato nagaki
huhi kana

sulla spiaggia di sabbia
impronte: lungo è il giorno
di primavera

Masaoka Shiki - 1867-1902

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Make An Anarkali Dress

Tuesday of the first week of Lent

Silence and contemplation.
the loquacity of our time, and other times,
in inflation of words,
make these essential words.
In the words make the Word present,
the word that comes from God, the Word who is God

Benedict XVI

Mt 6, 7-15

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Pray, do not babble like the pagans, who believe will be heard for their much speaking. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this:
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done,
as in heaven so on earth .
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. "


We talk and we like to entertain with words. Talk shows and lounges, the pleasure of the word. Above all shouted, brandishing as a weapon, the queen of this company disguised as a show, apparently passed off as pure "reality." As the Scripture tells us that the real birth to a word, but from the only authentic the Word of God, "Let there be light." And there was light. A word that is accomplished, made flesh in the fullness of time. One Word, the only one who saves the empty words of exposing all of us, those ever think, ever thrown.

Unfortunately, the bulk also often sneak in the prayers that seem to spring from the hearts of orphans crazy without certainties. To pray really should be a certainty . Just one. That we are children. "To hope, my child, you must be very happy, you have obtained, received a great grace" (Charles Peguy, The porch of the mystery of the second virtue, in The Mysteries). To hope and pray without doubt need the experience of having a Father in Heaven who loves us infinitely, and he knows all about us. "Nothing is more crucial in a life of its own origins. This is why the father is much more than a man of flesh and blood that has generated. It gives us a name .[...] Our individuality, so real, it is linked to the name we receive from our father, we seal, hallmark. Before beings of reason or conscience, instinct or passion, because we are children "(Maria Zambrano, Towards a knowledge of the soul).

At our home there is forgiveness, which deleted the original sin . We are the children of mercy, and this is the name that distinguishes us, the name of God sealed in us, the inexhaustible source of nostalgia Because of Him especially forgiving God is Father . Just look up the heart and whisper, "Dad," forgiveness is there. As he experienced the prodigal son who had prepared a good speech, words to say, words to explain words to implore. And the Father, for some time at the window, waiting for his son with a heart overflowing with compassion, knowing what the son needed, his free pardon and regeneration. The Father runs to meet him, welcomed him in a hug and enables a single word: "Father" . The embrace off every other word. Father, declining forgiveness for every child.

"To love a being is to hope it's something indefinable, imprecise, and at the same time, is to give, in a way, a way to meet that expectation " (Gabriel Marcel). Through the prayer of Our Father Jesus teaches us to give God a way to answer our deepest expectations. More air we breathe, we need love, mercy and forgiveness. The sanctity of name of God incarnate in man, the daily bread essential for living, His Kingdom or come between us, his will for every man, salvation and liberation from the tyranny of evil , forgiveness, strength, which can reduce the temptation . The heart of God, the Father in the womb of a mother. Abba, Father was the invocation with which the little Jewish children turned to their father, as stated in the Talmud: "When a child tasted the flavor of the grain (ie, when it begins to sputter the first few words), learn to say Abba Ima (mother). " Dad, you done to me your will, is the prayer of the Son in the Garden of anxiety, obedience without love confident. The Our Father leads us in the same obedience of the Son, the delivery of everything stessi alla Verità che ci fa liberi. " Castificantes animas nostras in oboedentia veritatis (1 Pt. 1,22) . L'obbedienza alla verità dovrebbe "castificare" la nostra anima, e così guidare alla retta parola e alla retta azione" (Benedetto XVI, omelia nella messa con i membri della Commissione Teologica Internazionale, 6 aprile 2006). Il Padre Nostro è la preghiera che ci fa casti nel cuore, nella mente e nella carne, per vivere rettamente, quali figli di Dio che rimangono sempre nella casa di loro Padre, liberi nel suo amore.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997), founder of the Missionary Sisters of Charity
No Greater Love

Prayer of God's children

To be fruitful, the prayer must come from the heart and touch the heart of God to see how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Every time we say "Our Father, God, I'm sure, he turns his eyes on his hands, right where it has drawn:" I have designated on the palms of my hands "(Is 49:16). He covers his hands, and we can see, here, crouched between them. How wonderful, the tenderness of God!

Please, let's say the "Our Father." Let us experience and then we are the saints. Here is everything: God, I the next. If I lose, then I can be a saint, I pray. Everything comes from a humble heart, and if we have that heart, we will know how to love God, love ourselves and love our neighbor (Matt. 22.37 s). There is nothing complicated in this, yet we complicate our lives so much, because they weigh so many overweight, one thing counts: to be humble and pray. The more you pray, you pray the better.

A child does not meet no difficulty in expressing his understanding candida in simple terms that say a lot. Did not Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that one must become like a child (Jn 3:3)? If we pray according to the Gospel, to allow us to grow in Christ. Please, therefore, with love as a child, with the ardent desire to love and to make very loved person who is not.

Charles Peguy:

"Ask a father if not the best time is when his children began to love him as a man, himself as a man, freely, free of charge. Ask a father whose children are growing. Ask a father if there is one hour secret, a secret moment, and if not when his children start to become men, free, and he treated like a man, free! The love as a man, free, ask a parent whose children are growing. Ask the father if there is an election among all, and if not precisely when the submission ceases, and when his sons became men, they love it, treat it as it were by connoisseurs, man to man, freely , for free, they consider it so. Ask if the father does not know that anything is worth a look for man who meets a gaze of man. Now I am their father, says God, and know the condition of man, am I that I did not ask them trope, no wonder that their cuore, quando ho il cuore trovo che va bene, non sono difficile. Tutte le sottomissioni da schiavo nel mondo non valgono un bello sguardo da uomo libero, o piuttosto tutte le sottomissioni da schiavo nel mondo mi ripugnano ed io darei tutto per uno bello sguardo da uomo libero, per una bella obbedienza e tenerezza e devozione da uomo libero, per uno sguardo di San Luigi IX e anche per uno sguardo di Joinville, perché Joinville è meno santo, ma non è meno libero, e non è meno cristiano e non è meno gratuito, e mio figlio è morto anche per Joinville, A questa libertà, a questa gratuità ho sacrificato tutto, dice Dio, al gusto che ho di essere amato da uomini liberi, liberamente, gratuitamente, da dei veri uomini, virili, adulti, fermi, nobili, teneri ma di una tenerezza ferma. Per ottenere questa libertà, questa gratuità ho sacrificato tutto, per creare questa libertà, questa gratuità, per far agire questa libertà, questa gratuità, per insegnare all'uomo la libertà..."