Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Dal Vangelo secondo Marco 10,32-45.

Mentre erano in viaggio per salire a Gerusalemme, Gesù camminava davanti a loro ed essi erano stupiti; coloro che venivano dietro erano pieni di timore. Prendendo di nuovo in disparte i Dodici, cominciò a dir loro quello che gli sarebbe accaduto: «Ecco, noi saliamo a Gerusalemme e il Figlio dell'uomo sarà consegnato ai sommi sacerdoti e agli scribi: lo condanneranno a morte, lo consegneranno ai pagani, lo scherniranno, gli sputeranno addosso, lo flagelleranno e lo uccideranno; ma dopo tre giorni risusciterà». E gli si avvicinarono Giacomo e Giovanni, i figli di Zebedèo, dicendogli: «Maestro, noi vogliamo che tu ci faccia quello che ti chiederemo». Egli disse loro: «Cosa volete che io faccia per voi?». Gli risposero: «Concedici di sedere nella tua gloria uno alla tua destra e uno alla tua sinistra». Gesù disse loro: «Voi do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with which I am baptized? ". They said, 'We can. " And Jesus said: "The cup that I drink you shall drink, and the baptism that I am baptized, you will receive. But to sit at my right or my left is not mine to give, is for those for whom it is prepared. " On hearing this, the other ten were indignant with James and John. So Jesus called them, told them: "You know that those who are considered leaders of the nations dominate, and their great men exercise authority over them. Among you this is not so: but he would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. The Son of man came not to be served but to serve and give his life a ransom for many. "


With Jesus go up to Jerusalem. We know, or ought to know ... where we are going. It was well understood St. Paul: "And now, bound by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that the Holy Spirit in every city I certify that chains and tribulations await me. I do not think However, my life worth nothing, provided that it leads to complete my course and the service I was given the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the message of God's grace "(Acts 20: 22-24). But the disciples had not understood the disciples. follow Jesus, but they are stuffed in the mummy's own self. In their press achieve their goals, and Jesus, as admired and loved, is ultimately only one who, in their eyes, can realize their dreams. As a computer when a virus is unable to read a document, and the characters that appear on the monitor are a collage of strange signs and bulk. The words of Jesus more clearly affected by the virus to a contortion of pride and arrogance, signs of the old man.

Today for example, projects that we have? In the family, school, work, friends and boyfriends, what hope, what we want? It 'important to ask why, in all likelihood, we find that the clean break that appears in the Gospel between the announcement of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and the demands of the two brothers, sons of Zebedee, is the same one that opens up our days. Each morning the Lord will announce a day of fighting, a path that leads to Jerusalem, the Cross, to go the Resurrection. Jesus takes us aside and announces that the to happen in us. For this reason Saint Paul writes that he completed what is lacking in the Passion of Jesus, what is lacking at the sight of men of this generation.

But to us, admit it, matters little. On awakening we are well tuned to another channel. Things to do, money, friends, children, parents, suffering from various cure, the goals to be achieved. But what is worse, everything we think we do with Jesus and James and John had not asking for a unholy power, without God No, they want a holy thing, to reign with Jesus to be his right hand and on his left. Like us, which, in the vicissitudes of life, we want to be with the Lord, for charity, we rely on Him in everything. Maybe ... But the answer of Jesus makes us understand that not even know what we want and ask . The skin looks good, but the interior is to be rotten. We call for holy things, but the spirit and the criteria are mundane. We miss the essential: the cup that God has prepared for His Son, and for each of us. In fact, when we are presented, we normally give to the legs. But it is the cross that awaits us each day the throne of Jesus' baptism that makes us the past, servants of all. And 'This is the greatness of our lives, losing love, to redeem those who are lost. " is not power that redeems us, but love! This is God's sign: he himself is love " (Benedict XVI, Homily at Mass for the beginning Pontificate).

Today, the Gospel is good news for us. Alone we can do nothing. We want Jesus to do what we ask. We are ready to exploit it, as spouses, mothers, children, priests, there is no difference. And he announces that yes, they drink the his cup, which coincides with the one prepared for us. We thus have nothing to fear, He already had it! He knows how to do it as you climb on the cross, as we do not beat it, as we enter into death. Jesus is in us before the cross. "Now the One who is Himself the Word takes a body, is by God as a man and draws the whole human existence, brings it in the word of God comes from God and so he founded the real being men. Not a single person, but makes us all "one" in him (cf. Gal 3:28), us into a new humanity ... This is the "seized the" whom Jesus calls us: be attracted into his new humanity and thus in communion with God "(J. Ratzinger - Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth , pag.382-383). Wallow Him, let us wake up to every listing on our destiny, we will draw in its "new humanity", where being servants of all, so happy, made, made. In him we reign the place does not count, he's it. He is everything.

"Now One who is Himself the Word takes a body, comes from God as a man and attracts the 'whole of human existence, brings it in the word of God, turns into "hearing" for God and therefore in "obedience" in reconciliation between God and man (cf. 2 Cor 5.18 to 20). He himself has become the real "sacrifice", as the One who gave himself totally going in obedience and love, love "to the end" (Jn 13:1). Viene da Dio e fonda così il vero essere uomini. Come dice Paolo, rispetto al primo uomo che era ed è di terra, Egli è il secondo uomo, l'uomo definitivo (l'ultimo), che viene «dal cielo» ed è «spirito datore di vita» (cfr. 1 Cor 15,45-49). Egli viene, ed è al tempo stesso il nuovo «regno». Non è una persona sola, bensì ci rende tutti «uno» in sé (cfr. Gal 3,28), ci trasforma in una nuova umanità... È questa la «seque-la» cui Gesù ci chiama: lasciarsi attrarre dentro la sua nuova umanità e dunque nella comunione con Dio. Ascoltiamo ancora una volta Paolo: «Quale è l'uomo fatto di terra [il primo uomo, Adamo], così sono those of the earth, as is the heavenly, so also the heavenly "(1 Cor 15.48). The expression "Son of Man has been given to Jesus himself, but the new vision of the union of man and God that is expressed in plasma pervading the entire New Testament. In the following of Jesus Christ is at stake this new humanity that comes from God "(J. Ratzinger - Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth , pag.382-383).

Biblical Commentary:

Sant, Alfonso Maria de Liguori
(1696-1787), bishop and doctor of Church
Works, T.14

"give his life a ransom for many"

A God who is, who sweeps the house, which is dedicated to arduous work - as one of these thoughts should fill us with love! When the Savior began to preach his gospel, became "the servant of all", claiming that he "had not come to be served but to serve." It is as if he had said he wanted to be the servant of all men. And at the end of his life, you are not satisfied, "says St. Bernard," that it took the form of a servant to be at the service of men wanted to take the form of a servant worthy to be struck, and suffer the punishment that was due to us because of our sins. "

is the Lord, obedient servant of all, he submits to the decision of Pilate, as both unjust, and gives himself to his executioners ... So, God so loved, to want to obey as a slave for love of us, to die and die a painful and shameful death, the torture of the cross (Phil. 2:8).

Now, in all this, not because he obeyed God, but as a man, who had assumed the form of a slave. A saint is presented as a slave to rescue a poor, and has attracted the admiration of the world For this heroic act of charity. But what this charity in comparison to that of the Redeemer? Being God and wanting to redeem us from the slavery of the devil and death that we deserved, he becomes a slave, you leave and wire nailed to the cross. "Why does the servant become the master," says St. Augustine, God chose to become a servant. "

Blessed Guerric of Igny (about 1080-1157), a Cistercian abbot
Sermon on the branches of palm trees

"The Son of man came not to be served but to serve "

Man is was created to serve his Creator. What could be more fitting that serve him who has given birth, without which there can exist? And what could be more that happy to serve, as they serve is to reign? Yet the man said to his Creator: "I will not serve" (Jer 2:20). "Then I will serve," said the Creator to man. Sit down, I will serve you, we'll wash your feet '...

Yes, Christ "good and faithful servant" (Matt. 25:21), did you actually serve, have served in all faith and in all truth, in all patience and perseverance throughout. Without apathy you cast as a hero to pursue the path of obedience (Ps 18:3), without pretending you gave us in addition, after much pain, your own life, without a word, whipped and innocent, You opened your mouth (Isaiah 53:7). It is written and it is true: "The servant who knew his master's will, will not be ready or act according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes" (Luke 12:47). But this servant, I ask you, has not made such worthy actions? What has ommesso of what should he do? "He did everything well," cried those who observed his conduct, "makes the deaf hear and the mute speak" (Mk 7:37). He has done all sorts of works worthy of reward, then why has suffered so many humiliations? He presented his back to the whip, has received numerosi colpi atroci, dappertutto il suo sangue scorre. È stato interrogato in mezzo agli obbrobri e ai tormenti, come uno schiavo o un malfattore che sottopongono alla tortura per strappargli la confessione di un crimine. O superbia detestabile dell'uomo sdegnoso nel servire, e che non poteva essere umiliato se non con l'esempio della servitù del suo Dio!...

Si, mio Signore, hai molto faticato per servirmi; sarebbe giusto ed equo che d'ora in poi ti riposassi, mentre il tuo servo, a sua volta, cominciasse a servirti, è venuto il suo turno... Hai vinto, Signore, questo servo ribelle; stendo le mani per ricevere i tuoi legami, chino il capo per ricevere il tuo giogo. Permetti che io ti serva. Accoglimi per sempre come tuo servant, even if unprofitable servant until your grace does not help me and support me in my work (Wis 9:10).


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