Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are Jpee Drugs Almee-1 Alprazolam Tablets Real?

of the eighth week of Ordinary Time Thursday

Solo uno sciocco e uno sfrontato
avrebbe l'ardire di presentarsi davanti al suo creatore con questa pretesa:
"lo non vengo qui a mendicare; ti amo disinteressatamente"

Clive Staples Lewis

Dal Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Marco 11,11-26.
E d entrò a Gerusalemme, in the temple. And after looking around at everything, being now an hour late, he went to Bethany with the Twelve.
The next morning as they were leaving Bethany he was hungry.
And seeing in the distance a fig tree had leaves, he approached to see if he could find anything, but came to it, he found nothing but leaves. For it was not the season for figs.
And he said: "May no one ever eat fruit." And his disciples heard it.
meanwhile went to Jerusalem. And entered the temple, he began to drive out those who sold and bought in the temple, he overturned the tables of money changers and the benches of those selling doves
and did not allow anyone to carry things through the temple.
And he taught them, saying: "Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of thieves. " The
heard the chief priests and scribes sought how they do it and die. They feared him, because all the people were astonished at his teaching.
When evening came they went out of town.
The next morning, passing by, saw the fig tree withered from the roots.
Then Peter remembered and said, "Teacher, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered."
Then Jesus said unto them, Have faith in God!
In truth I tell you, whoever says to this Mount: Get up and thrown into the sea, no doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be granted.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be.
When you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. "


Jesus is hungry and looking for food that even his disciples know. His food is doing the work that the Father has prepared, the desire for love of Him who sent it. Jesus searching for a tree that gives fruits sazino his hunger. It does not find it. The fig tree that did not come across the fruit. In Scripture and in Jewish tradition the fecundity of the fig tree is a prophetic picture of Israel who knew and accepted the Messiah

"No nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn more than the arts of war

. Sit everyone, calm under his vine and under his fig tree and none shall make them afraid "(Micah 4.3

b). The barren fig tree instead designate infidelity Israel to his God and the Torah: "

They have rejected the word of the Lord ... from small to large, all of them commit fraud ... and reap destroys them, saith the Lord, there's more grapes on the vine or fruit on figs, and even the leaves are wilted " . It is understandable in this light, the prophetic sign that Jesus curses the fig tree from which found no fruit.

This is the same sign that appears immediately after time on those who had perverted the Holy Place in a den of thieves. What was given to Israel as a Prophecy of the work of God, the Holy Mountain ove avrebbe radunato tutte le genti a sedersi tranquille, era divenuto un luogo di mercato, di compromessi, di idolatria. In questo Vangelo appare tutto il dramma di Israele, Popolo duro a convertirsi, incapace di mantenersi fedele per compiere la Volontà del Padre, la sua missione tra le Nazioni. La maledizione di Gesù non fa che attestare una tragica realtà, la conseguenza di qualcosa che s'era già consumato .

Questa Parola è per noi oggi. Attraverso di essa possiamo ripensare alla nostra vita e alla nostra elezione. Il Signore ha fame di salvezza per questa generazione, e per questo viene a cercare frutti dall'albero che Lui stesso ha piantato, la nostra vita. In questo incontro ci troviamo tutti spogli e secchi, senza frutti. L'infecondità è sempre segno di incredulità. Per questo il Signore parla della preghiera proprio nel contesto che appare nel vangelo odierno. Dove, come nel Tempio, la preghiera, la relazione di intimità con Dio, è sostituita dal denaro, dalla fiducia nella carne, è scomparsa la fede, e l'incredulità è la porta dischiusa all'idolatria . Così è stato per il Popolo d'Israele, con il cuore indurito e incredulo, intento a fabbricarsi il vitello d'oro prima, a fare alleanza con i Popoli vicini poi. Come ciascuno di noi, incredulo before the story of every day, in front of his weakness. And life is transformed into a market full of idolatrous compromise. A sterile life, unable to donate anything, unfaithful to the mission entrusted to it.

why today the fire burning jealousy of God comes to each of us, right from the roots to dry our disbelief, to purify the Temple, which is our own life . For this reason, problems and failures, disease and pain is calling us. And 'he who, with invincible love, it takes even today, his back. We did not choose the Lord, he who calls and has been formed to give a fruit that remains, even out of season , divine sign of the impossible made possible in poor human flesh . We were called to feed the Lord, to be food for his work, God's will accomplished in us for the salvation of every man. And 'Christ hath redeemed us, to belong to Him, "for us to bear fruit for God" (Romans 7) . And He purifies us every day to give us the faith that moves the mountain in the sea, an image of something that no eye has ever seen the victory of Christ over death, forgiveness, offered free to every man, prayer full of faith that even before the greatest darkness, even the most corrupt man, no doubt the infinite power of God

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (313-350), bishop of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church
Catechesis, No. 5

"Have faith in God "

is written:" It is difficult find a faithful man, "(Proverbs 20:6). I'm not saying you should reveal your conscience to me, but showing the sincerity of your faith to God who searches the kidneys and hearts, and knows the thoughts of men (Ps 7.10, 93.11). Great thing is true: it makes the richest man in the arciricchi. The true fact has all the goods of the world, because they despise them and tramples on the contrary, the rich in material goods, although they have in abundance, have come to lack the soul. The more you gather, in fact, the more you consume the lust for what they lack. The true word is a remarkable man: rich in their poverty because they know that you need only to cover and what to eat, so if n'accontenta, and despise the riches. Watch

faith is a prestigious badge is not just for us Christians who bear the name of Christ, but it is also for anyone in the world and also at points distant from the Church's absolute faith in date. Call the bond of faith in the marriage covenant that unites strangers to one another is also based on faith trusting the farmer to reap the rewards, because anyone without a trust s'assoggetterebbe efforts. By faith, men sail the sea Putting your trust in a small timber. In short, is based on faith most of the human shops.

Reading today I have to call us to true faith, and has shown you the way you also need to follow to please God for Daniel, as we read, faith shut the mouths of lions (Dan 6:23). "Keep taking the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" (Eph 6:16) ... Faith gives man hard enough to make him walk on the waves to stay afloat (Mt 14.29). Faith is so powerful that not only saves those who believe, but also others on the believers. To the paralytic at Capernaum had faith that brought him to the roof and lowered (Mt 9:2). The faith of Lazarus' sisters had much power, which brought back the dead from the gates of hell (John 11) ... This faith then, which is given as a gift of the Spirit and not just as doctrine, gives the possibility of a superior human, so who owns it can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it moves.


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