Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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The Black Heart Procession. Two tears by the beautiful Blue

Soundscapes was a wonderful radio show on Radio 3, curated by Arturo Stalteri, who in the distant past, I was involved in an intimate companionship for cumulative hours of cumulative afternoon dedicated to continued listening.
It was for me a sort of fitness education music, they start the American experimentalists, creating familiarity with the listening ear and Philippe Glass and Terry Riley, who I adored, with Steve Reich, Pauline Oliveros with me that the dream happen real accordion. I'm talking about the distant past, the feeling is that after eons!

care, attention and a detailed search was like "Soundscapes" and scattered here and there every so often some gems. One of these was for me an unusual and poignant song heard in '99, exactly a century ago, that I rushed to pin the title "Blue Tears" a exhausting haunting dirge reminiscent of certain pieces of Tom Waits and Nick Cave to the atmosphere. A disc, then no hope of finding those labels being called American Indian. At all costs I wanted it obstinately, and interpellai many retail specialists in the field-including the legendary music Dysfunctions of Rome-in-aid and then came to me Bargeld, ammanicata more than me, who managed to have it get in the meantime had passed a year, but the Black Heart Procession arrived chez moi and I called one of my most beloved among my most loved music.

sounds and melodies originate from piano, pump organ, guitar and trumpet, in particular how coazione musicale, con uno stile teatrale, nostalgico, introverso, malinconico e depressivo. Il lato oscuro del cuore.

blue tears - black heart procession

The Black Heart Procession - A light So Dim

The Black Heart Procession The waiter

mia giaci silenziosa
ascolto pump organ

haiku of August 15, 2001

now I know That I must leave

Notarella Today:

lay forgotten in this post is allocated in a day in late November 2008, oh poor man implied by the wayside deserted by all but me, no more, now who knows how or why I get hired soon to re-summon the black heart like a white rabbit's I leave the cylinder and the light emerge,

to your attention, friends world, a true pleasure to report ...

are crazy about this dark dirge!

versus lullaby and we can turn it white, but only if you hope to address le orecchie e il muscolo cordiale

buon ascolto cari voi che l'amerete!

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Masaoka Shiki. Long is the day of spring

sunahama ni
ashiato nagaki
huhi kana

sulla spiaggia di sabbia
impronte: lungo è il giorno
di primavera

Masaoka Shiki - 1867-1902

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Make An Anarkali Dress

Tuesday of the first week of Lent

Silence and contemplation.
the loquacity of our time, and other times,
in inflation of words,
make these essential words.
In the words make the Word present,
the word that comes from God, the Word who is God

Benedict XVI

Mt 6, 7-15

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Pray, do not babble like the pagans, who believe will be heard for their much speaking. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this:
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done,
as in heaven so on earth .
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. "


We talk and we like to entertain with words. Talk shows and lounges, the pleasure of the word. Above all shouted, brandishing as a weapon, the queen of this company disguised as a show, apparently passed off as pure "reality." As the Scripture tells us that the real birth to a word, but from the only authentic the Word of God, "Let there be light." And there was light. A word that is accomplished, made flesh in the fullness of time. One Word, the only one who saves the empty words of exposing all of us, those ever think, ever thrown.

Unfortunately, the bulk also often sneak in the prayers that seem to spring from the hearts of orphans crazy without certainties. To pray really should be a certainty . Just one. That we are children. "To hope, my child, you must be very happy, you have obtained, received a great grace" (Charles Peguy, The porch of the mystery of the second virtue, in The Mysteries). To hope and pray without doubt need the experience of having a Father in Heaven who loves us infinitely, and he knows all about us. "Nothing is more crucial in a life of its own origins. This is why the father is much more than a man of flesh and blood that has generated. It gives us a name .[...] Our individuality, so real, it is linked to the name we receive from our father, we seal, hallmark. Before beings of reason or conscience, instinct or passion, because we are children "(Maria Zambrano, Towards a knowledge of the soul).

At our home there is forgiveness, which deleted the original sin . We are the children of mercy, and this is the name that distinguishes us, the name of God sealed in us, the inexhaustible source of nostalgia Because of Him especially forgiving God is Father . Just look up the heart and whisper, "Dad," forgiveness is there. As he experienced the prodigal son who had prepared a good speech, words to say, words to explain words to implore. And the Father, for some time at the window, waiting for his son with a heart overflowing with compassion, knowing what the son needed, his free pardon and regeneration. The Father runs to meet him, welcomed him in a hug and enables a single word: "Father" . The embrace off every other word. Father, declining forgiveness for every child.

"To love a being is to hope it's something indefinable, imprecise, and at the same time, is to give, in a way, a way to meet that expectation " (Gabriel Marcel). Through the prayer of Our Father Jesus teaches us to give God a way to answer our deepest expectations. More air we breathe, we need love, mercy and forgiveness. The sanctity of name of God incarnate in man, the daily bread essential for living, His Kingdom or come between us, his will for every man, salvation and liberation from the tyranny of evil , forgiveness, strength, which can reduce the temptation . The heart of God, the Father in the womb of a mother. Abba, Father was the invocation with which the little Jewish children turned to their father, as stated in the Talmud: "When a child tasted the flavor of the grain (ie, when it begins to sputter the first few words), learn to say Abba Ima (mother). " Dad, you done to me your will, is the prayer of the Son in the Garden of anxiety, obedience without love confident. The Our Father leads us in the same obedience of the Son, the delivery of everything stessi alla Verità che ci fa liberi. " Castificantes animas nostras in oboedentia veritatis (1 Pt. 1,22) . L'obbedienza alla verità dovrebbe "castificare" la nostra anima, e così guidare alla retta parola e alla retta azione" (Benedetto XVI, omelia nella messa con i membri della Commissione Teologica Internazionale, 6 aprile 2006). Il Padre Nostro è la preghiera che ci fa casti nel cuore, nella mente e nella carne, per vivere rettamente, quali figli di Dio che rimangono sempre nella casa di loro Padre, liberi nel suo amore.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997), founder of the Missionary Sisters of Charity
No Greater Love

Prayer of God's children

To be fruitful, the prayer must come from the heart and touch the heart of God to see how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Every time we say "Our Father, God, I'm sure, he turns his eyes on his hands, right where it has drawn:" I have designated on the palms of my hands "(Is 49:16). He covers his hands, and we can see, here, crouched between them. How wonderful, the tenderness of God!

Please, let's say the "Our Father." Let us experience and then we are the saints. Here is everything: God, I the next. If I lose, then I can be a saint, I pray. Everything comes from a humble heart, and if we have that heart, we will know how to love God, love ourselves and love our neighbor (Matt. 22.37 s). There is nothing complicated in this, yet we complicate our lives so much, because they weigh so many overweight, one thing counts: to be humble and pray. The more you pray, you pray the better.

A child does not meet no difficulty in expressing his understanding candida in simple terms that say a lot. Did not Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that one must become like a child (Jn 3:3)? If we pray according to the Gospel, to allow us to grow in Christ. Please, therefore, with love as a child, with the ardent desire to love and to make very loved person who is not.

Charles Peguy:

"Ask a father if not the best time is when his children began to love him as a man, himself as a man, freely, free of charge. Ask a father whose children are growing. Ask a father if there is one hour secret, a secret moment, and if not when his children start to become men, free, and he treated like a man, free! The love as a man, free, ask a parent whose children are growing. Ask the father if there is an election among all, and if not precisely when the submission ceases, and when his sons became men, they love it, treat it as it were by connoisseurs, man to man, freely , for free, they consider it so. Ask if the father does not know that anything is worth a look for man who meets a gaze of man. Now I am their father, says God, and know the condition of man, am I that I did not ask them trope, no wonder that their cuore, quando ho il cuore trovo che va bene, non sono difficile. Tutte le sottomissioni da schiavo nel mondo non valgono un bello sguardo da uomo libero, o piuttosto tutte le sottomissioni da schiavo nel mondo mi ripugnano ed io darei tutto per uno bello sguardo da uomo libero, per una bella obbedienza e tenerezza e devozione da uomo libero, per uno sguardo di San Luigi IX e anche per uno sguardo di Joinville, perché Joinville è meno santo, ma non è meno libero, e non è meno cristiano e non è meno gratuito, e mio figlio è morto anche per Joinville, A questa libertà, a questa gratuità ho sacrificato tutto, dice Dio, al gusto che ho di essere amato da uomini liberi, liberamente, gratuitamente, da dei veri uomini, virili, adulti, fermi, nobili, teneri ma di una tenerezza ferma. Per ottenere questa libertà, questa gratuità ho sacrificato tutto, per creare questa libertà, questa gratuità, per far agire questa libertà, questa gratuità, per insegnare all'uomo la libertà..."

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Japan Dear I have great love for you

( l'immagine prelevata da google im magini, Octavio Paz, 2010, japanese art )

dignity and sense-track

( haiku of March 14, 2011)

Kitaro and that same good will, can not fail now here

Kitaro, Heaven and Earth

Kitaro - The Silk Road

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Monday of the first week of Lent Saturday after Ash

Io penso che la Chiesa dovrebbe anche oggi aprire una sorta di “cortile dei Gentiles

where men can engage in some way to God,

without knowing it and before they have found access to his mystery,

whose service is the internal life of the Church.

Benedict XVI

Address to the Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Directors of the SCV Governorate, for the Christmas greetings , December 21, 2009

Mt 25: 31-46

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all his angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory. It will be gathered before him all nations, and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats will place the sheep on his right and goats on the left.
Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me in prison and you came to me.
Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we saw you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and gave thee drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and have come to visit you?
response, the King say unto them, Verily I say unto you: every time you did it to one of these my brethren, you did it to me.
Then he will say to those on his left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink: I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, sick and in prison and you visited me.
Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee?
Then he will answer: In truth I tell you every time you did it to one of these my brethren, ye did it to me.
And they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. "


Every man is called to inherit a blessing, the kingdom of Heaven. The deeper meaning of each there is a destiny of intimacy with God beyond the boundaries of time. The parable of the Gospel today, opening the icing on the end of the world, helps us to understand the seriousness of our lives. The trial is set before us today is a call to conversion. God chose the church to be a holy seed among the nations, the community of God's children small, helpless, despised, the last of this land. The Church has inherited from the Israeli mission to witness to the world the existence of a merciful God and the destiny of a people from all different nations, the subject of fierce persecution, slander, slanderous, target killings planned mysteriously failed. Brothers of Jesus, our DNA has carved its image, the Servant of Yahweh, the Righteous One who offers a reward for the masses.

The Gospel today describes what will be the response from people outside of Israel, according to the Greek espresione ethn ta panta (all nations in the current translation ) that in other passages of Matthew wherever it appears, always designates the Gentili, the pagan peoples, as opposed to Laos indicating the People of Israel. For theirs is a kingdom prepared from the Father from the foundation of the world, the blessing of God, ' intimacy signified by the call to be the right hand of Jesus . the same inheritance promised to Christians. For every man, salvation in Christ is accessible by virtue a grace which, while having a mysterious relationship with the Church, they are not formally part of it, but enlightens them in a manner appropriate to their spiritual and material situation. This grace comes from Christ, is the fruit of his sacrifice and is communicated by the Holy Spirit "(Dei Verbum Apostolic Constitution , 82). The Grace that leads them to encounter Christ through His younger siblings - adelphoi -that today's Gospel identifies Jesus with salvation and the Kingdom would be dependent on a meeting, the mysterious "when" the heathen, who do not know the Lord, they have seen Christ in Christians. "The Sages, Their memory is a blessing, have taught us a great rule: mercy (Hesed) does not begin with the gift of sight but with . "(Sift Chajm III, 154). A small act of love and mercy of Jesus did to the small will be the key that will open up to anyone who is not part of the Church the gates of heaven.

's great responsibility that goes with it. Much has been given, much will be required. We are asked all the men that God has in mind to save through us. Their names are written in the records of God, can not miss even one, without prejudice to the freedom of each. But also not be exercised unless there is, for each, the when the opportune moment in which see, meet Christ . The when concerns all of us. The Church is a sacrament of this salvation sent to the ends of the earth starts evangelization showing Christ in his children, living and sharing with each man the events of history. In every day waiting for us when a decisive for our salvation and who God puts us next. Every moment of our life is precious . Any event that makes us little brothers of Jesus, the image of the Servant of Yahweh, is of decisive importance. The mission of the Church and of each of us begins therefore welcome the history that God gives us everyday. It is the place where, even without recognizing it, men can see the Lord. Our life is the "Courtyard of the Gentiles where men can engage in some way to God" (Benedict XVI), and each event is that extreme ends of the earth where the risen Lord sends us. In this Lenten season we learn that the conversion is, above all, to believe and enter into God's will not despise anything that makes us hungry, thirsty, naked, despised, rejected, prisoners. Small, crucifixes. It 's our vocation, the presence of Christ in the world, bowels of mercy that welcome everyone.

San Cesario di Arles (470-543), Monaco and Bishop
Speeches, 26.5; SC 243, 89s

"Come blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom "

Christ, that heavenly mercy, comes every day at the door of your house, not only spiritually at the door of your soul, but also to the door of your own material home. Every time that a poor close to your home, without a doubt is Christ. Indeed, he has said: "Whenever you did it to one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." So do not harden your heart gives a little 'money to Christ, from which you wish to receive the Kingdom, gives a piece of bread from which he hopes to receive life; receive him into your accommodation, so that he will receive in his heaven ; give him begging him to give you in exchange for eternal life.

What audacity will reign in heaven with the one who wastes your alms in this world! If you receive during this earthly journey, he will welcome you in bliss, and if you despise here in your homeland, he will turn away from you in his glory. A Psalm says: "In your city, Lord, make their images vanish" (Ps 72.20 Volg.) If, in our city, that is, in this life, we despise those who have been made in the image of God (Gen. 1 , 26), we have to fear being rejected in its eternal city. Have mercy therefore here ... Thanks to your generosity, you will hear this blessed word addressed to you: "Come, ye blessed, inherit the kingdom".

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time record. The sun in the rain. Grave, the first movement of Sonata No. 6 op.5 Corelli

Corelli Sonata No. 6 op.5, 1st movement - serious

eighteenth Trio (Rachel Barton Pine, baroque violin, John Mark Rozendaal, baroque cello, David Schrader, harpsichord) Performs the first movement (Grave) of the Sonata in A Major, Op 5, No. 6, by Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)

the material is already in the very lively in the up and nell'adagio

as the sun is in the rain

Sun in the Rain, Alice

see the sun in the rain

quant'ho amato questo brano! fine anni '80, la sua suggestione mi lambiva m'investiva, parole e musica di Juri Camisasca,

oggi in una giornata totale di acqua del cielo è tornata alla memoria

quelli che sanno le cose non parlano
e la luna alla finestra il ladro non la porta via

grattugia l'animuccia
e strizza il cuore

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Implantation Bleeding A Week After Period

Timer is ... Waiting for true poppies, haiku d'evocation

una poetica very papaverina!

mania perseguita

delirio soggettivo

con la sua ragione narcisistica, una e più d'una, la pratica d'autoscatto è atto identitario ramificato in tracce identitarie innumeri in ordine sparso,

autoscatto è






sano e/o insano

conscio e/o inconscio




(non è ragionieristico non è contabile)

la pratica d'autoscatto desidera esplorare una raggiera di sfumature di significato

include pratica di svelamento

manovra rivelativa, documentativa, ostentativa, esibitoria, sperimentativa

libido che ricade su di sé produce effetti che vanno fuori di sé,

yield to the instinct led portray liberating effects and inhibitions, free of dependence on the ambitions of others, playing his own face to the gaze of others or lend to its antipode is different! the vast difference that flows between two huge eyes,

I think that different views between me and Reaper, I can laugh but also incacchiarmi, he is one of those touching on the right of the frame to look for the perfect otherwise it makes no even if you are in Patagonia, and wanted the light and the meter (well we speak first of the digital age) and the wide angle and zoom (and do the overwhelming weight of sherpa) finally to make a two or three pictures, but that I I do one or two photos? and especially as it captures the moment in all this reasoning applied to the fleeting reality? I know this bunch of conditioning with horror and edgy nostalgia that I have missed all my good times for all trips beautiful, has evaporated into thin air lost all memory of the golden age,

the self-timer now, if he wants to be reparative and compensatory it is, lends itself well to fitting papaverine esternante poetic emotion and thought,

the self-timer, knowing relapsed weed constantly repeated coercive virtually inexhaustible large flexible hose is the same life as poppy as tempts me, as I am good!

and not silent, God forbid, the creativity of full flavor play that put his face in the game has, in consequences and effects in references and allusions because it is simple is not it? you put the face and other games!

parity I want to seal the tie in poppy-timer and put the last little string of the poppy haiku, counting the days when red magnificence explodes!

attachment of a poppy

small doses of joy

reality exist in the real world meets

encloses the red
the inner secret self

(haiku of March 6, 2011)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Salieri Mario Streaming

timer with poppy

Blades Game Seriel Number

am broken my ties
paid my dues
my doors wide open
I go everywhere.
They crouch in their corner
continue to weave the pale canvas of their hours;
or go sit in the dust
to count their coins
and call me because go back
But now my sword is forged,
I have already put the armor
my horse is already looking forward
and I earn my kingdom.


Luke 5.27-32

At that time, Jesus saw a publican named Levi sitting at the tax office, and said, "Follow me. He left everything, got up and followed him.
Levi made him a great feast in his house. And on the other there was a crowd of people sitting at table with them.
The Pharisees and their scribes murmured, saying to his disciples: "Why do you eat and drink with publicans and sinners?".
Jesus replied: "I'm not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick, and I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."


Matthew, a sinner intent to sin. The hands still glued to the unscrupulous money extorted. And a voice like a diamond at a glance: "Follow me." Certainly more than the "follow" did "me." Usually we tend to emphasize the fact that they follow and we lose sight of Chi seguire. E, ancor prima, Chi chiama ad essere seguito. Una voce, uno sguardo, e una parola. Il tutto accaduto proprio lì, dove Matteo era in quello stesso istante, immerso nel suo impuro lavoro di esattore e taglieggiatore. Un mafioso più o meno. Basta pensare cosa evochi in noi questa parola per capire che vita conducesse Matteo. Mafioso e collaborazionista, peggio di un kapò in un campo di concentramento. Da vomitare. E lì, in quel vomito di vita, un raggio di luce, come ha inimitabilmente dipinto Caravaggio.

Un raggio di luce, lo sguardo di Gesù. L'unico Dio perchè l'unico che si sia chinato su quel relitto d'uomo, publish, sell. The only one to find him, look at him, call him. Jesus, the one to love him. So, without moralizing, without judging anyone. Love me to the point of wanting with him. And who would take hours, so on two feet, a mafioso, a traitor in the house .... Only the Lord. Call Matthew was like handing over the administration of a bank to a thief. Jesus gave his treasures, his most precious things in Matthew, thief.

The absolute uniqueness of this experience has generated in Matthew 's exceptional. Conversion. Grace has turned the gratitude . Why conversion always flows from gratitude. How not to follow the only one who had loved him, the only one who had healed and ripped to hell? Matthew has touched a greater love for each other, something never seen, felt, lived, which takes you right into the depths of yourself and drags you with him in a heavenly love. Let all then it was for Matthew winning freedom, but a waiver! Let it all is simply to have found the one thing necessary to live is beautiful. It's true. And holy. Leave everything is being kidnapped by the love that is impossible even to dream, but to which all, in every man, tends irresistibly. Leave everything you have him now, Jesus Leave everything at once because has already received everything. And in all of Jesus is also given to any other thing, person, love, work. Transfigured. Everything new.

Following Jesus is, in fact, before anything else, invite them to our lives, our history. As Matthew. For him the first fruit of the encounter with Christ was to convey the uniqueness of that experience to his friends. As a sort of pilgrimage since in the depths of its story, Matt leads Jesus to their places, people, things that just before he left. With Christ you do not lose anything in our lives! The follow me Jesus had fully involved, everything about him was now of Christ. " we not perhaps all afraid in some way - if we let Christ enter fully into us, if we open ourselves totally to him - afraid that He might take something away from our lives? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something big , unique, something that makes life so 'beautiful? not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of their liberty? no! If we let Christ, we lose nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No, only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is truly revealed the great potential ' the human condition: do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and gives you everything. We give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold. It ', open, open wide the doors to Christ, and you will find true life "(Benedict XVI, Homily at the Opening pontificate April 24, 2005).

Matthew had left everything was free and this could give himself. Like St. Paul, free from all had been able to do everything for everyone. Calling unexpected and free of Matthew Jesus walks into a pilgrimage of memory to discover that every moment, every relationship of his life was healed. The doctor looked at, loved, known, cared for. The word of the mercy has regenerated, and now Matt can look at itself and its history with new eyes. Where sin abounded grace overflows. The unworthy regained dignity, and what was put at the service of iniquity is now offered for Justice. Reports cleansed, purified eyes, thoughts enlightened, sanctified every action. In the love of Jesus, the past does not crush it, this is not the poison, do not fear the future. E 'vivo Matthew, is a man, is Christ.

's great to be breath-taking the mystery contained in this Gospel passage. There is coagulated the whole of Christianity. An unexpected encounter. One love, free of charge. It saved his life, aroused. No preparation, no good provision, only an infinite love. Those who met him can no longer do without. Hugh of St. Victor wrote that " who finds his homeland sweet is just a tender amateur. Who is sweet all the homelands We have already started on the right track. But only perfect one who feels alien in any place. " Freed from a love that crosses all boundaries, who has known the love of Christ is already citizen of another world, a 'living symbol of Heaven. Her walk everyday in the footsteps of Jesus, drawing the traces of hope for the world.

Lent is this meeting prepared for us. And 'Christ down to our lives, in our sins. It does not matter if we are not waiting, if we are busy with our shady dealings. Import your love. Import experience, true and real, of his forgiveness. Import freedom. It is for us, is embedded in the merciful and compassionate eyes of Jesus, in his eyes rested on each of us today. In his speech, in the call that resonates today, and every moment, crouching in the corners where we get lost in our thoughts. Love and freedom, peace and joy, the fruit of his love that comes to us today. Please perchè si compia in ciascuno di noi una quaresima di stupore, gli occhi di Matteo folgorati dallo sguardo del Signore.

Giovanni Paolo II
Messaggio ai giovani per la XX GMG (6/8/04)

« Egli, lasciando tutto, si alzò e lo seguì »

Ascoltare Cristo e adorarlo porta a fare scelte coraggiose, a prendere decisioni a volte eroiche. Gesù è esigente perché vuole la nostra autentica felicità. Chiama alcuni a lasciare tutto per seguirlo nella vita sacerdotale o consacrata. Chi avverte quest’invito non abbia paura di rispondergli “sì” e si metta generosamente alla sua sequela. Ma, al di là delle vocazioni di speciale consacrazione, vi è la vocazione propria di ogni battezzato: anch’essa è vocazione a quella “misura alta” della vita cristiana ordinaria che s’esprime nella santità (cfr Novo millennio ineunte, 31)...

Sono tanti i nostri contemporanei che non conoscono ancora l’amore di Dio, o cercano di riempirsi il cuore con surrogati insignificanti. E’ urgente, pertanto, essere testimoni dell’amore contemplato in Cristo... La Chiesa ha bisogno di autentici testimoni per la nuova evangelizzazione: uomini e donne la cui vita sia stata trasformata dall’incontro con Gesù; uomini e donne capaci di comunicare quest’esperienza agli altri. La Chiesa ha bisogno di santi. Tutti siamo chiamati alla santità, e solo i santi possono rinnovare l’umanità.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Often Can I Take My Benzonatate

Oggi, che si parla tanto di catecumenato,

non dobbiamo di nuovo riconoscere molto più seriamente

che il tempo del digiuno deve essere un catecumenato Universal

in which we actually recovered with our lives our baptism

or rather let us make our life reclaims the needs of baptism?

Joseph Ratzinger, "Hope for a mustard seed"

9.14 to 15 Mt

At that time, Jesus came to the other side of the lake region of Gadarenes, the disciples came to John and said, "Why we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast? ".
And Jesus said to them: "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will fast. "


Love and freedom. Jesus' disciples do not fast like the others. Jesus' disciples to fast amore, in libertà. Il digiuno cristiano non è solo una pratica pia, un segno religioso in vista d'una purificazione. Il digiuno dei discepoli di Gesù è memoria . E' inginocchiarsi dinanzi al Crocifisso e implorare il Suo ritorno. Il digiuno è racchiuso nell'immagine della Pietà: la Vergine Maria che, con l'anima trafitta dal dolore, contempla colma d'amore e speranza, il corpo senza vita del suo Figlio. Lo guarda e vede attraverso i sensi il suo ritorno vittorioso, senza che ciò le risparmi il dolore d'una madre di fronte alla morte di suo figlio. " La beata Vergine ha avanzato nel cammino della fede e ha conservato fedelmente la sua unione col Figlio sino alla croce, dove, non senza un disegno divino, se ne stette ritta, soffrì profondamente col suo Figlio unigenito e si associò con animo materno al sacrificio di lui, amorosamente consenziente all'immolazione della vittima da lei generata (Catechismo). In questa prospettiva comprendiamo come digiunare costituisca una condizione essenziale dell'esistenza, vivere in pienezza la vita terrena. Che è già e non ancora . Lo Sposo è con noi, ma, nello stesso tempo, non è qui. La pienezza è il Cielo. La terra è un cammino, e la mancanza e il desiderio di pienezza si acuiscono nell'avvicinarsi alla meta.

Fasting thus showed that sadness that often lies hidden in the heart. Escape means close to the truth and bring life to a certain failure. Fasting helps us to recognize the sadness "as a significant instrument of God's plan .. that life is always, in any case ... subject to the perception of something missing. ... And this is providential that life is sad ' most fascinating topic for us to understand that our destiny is something greater, is the greatest mystery. And when that mystery comes to us making a U man, then this charm becomes a hundred times bigger. Does not take away the sadness, because the way in which God becomes man is such that you do not have it, you have already and have not yet "(Don Giussani).

"I die because I do not die," said St. Teresa of Avila, and it was not contempt of life. Indeed, the more you live life more intensely you want to fall asleep to wake up in heaven. Over the life for love is lost, the greater the anxiety of a perfect love and definitive. "Men who have in them a desire so powerful that exceeds their nature, and they crave and want more than what is adequate for humans aspire to, these men were hit by the bride herself, he left himself in their eyes a burning rays of her beauty. The extent of the wound reveals what is already the arrow and the intensity of desire is the one who suggests that the dart body "(No Kabasilas). Wounded by the dart of love for their spouse living children of the marriage expectation of fulfillment that nothing can fill.

It 's the mystery of the Church, sposa e vedova allo stesso tempo, che esplode di gioia intorno alla mensa eucaristica, ma che digiuna nell'attesa del compimento. La Chiesa che vive del memoriale del suo Signore, l'eucarestia, presenza viva del suo Sposo amatissimo. In essa erompe in un grido di nostalgia e speranza: maranathà, vieni, ritorna Signore Gesù . Il digiuno è il nostro maranathà, le lacrime appassionate della Maddalena presso la tomba del suo Signore; il digiuno è l' attesa fatta preghiera , perchè lo Sposo torni presto per portarci con Lui, al posto che ha preparato per noi. Presentando il calice nell’ultima cena, Gesù ha detto: «In verità vi dico, non berrò the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God " (Mark 14:25). After that dinner, the bridegroom will be taken away and the disciples will fast until he comes again, the eternal "wedding feast of the Lamb" (Rev 19.9). Part of our fast as that of Jesus Fasting is a promise. An event of love, waiting to drink with him the new wine of God's kingdom

The suffering, insecurity, diseases, failures, their weaknesses are fasting everyday. The Cross is the fast . When we are stuck on the tree you fasting natural . Do not eat, smoke, talk, fasting is a requirement, like a cry from the Cross, the echo of the word of the Crucified Lord: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?". Fasting tears are hoping His love . And 'this asceticism, the ascent to the throne of mercy that we never disappoint. Fasting during Lent is to let the truth take the place of lies, leaks and disposal. The hunger that fasting raises is the truth, our reality, in which the body of the risen Lord, and blessed is the only real food that can sated. Fasting is undress waiting to be one flesh redeemed with our Bridegroom, anxiety of the holy and chaste embrace, eternal love for which we were created.

John Paul II
Angelus of 10 March 1996

"Then they will fast"

Among the penitential practices suggested by the Church especially in this time of Lent there is fasting. It involves a special restraint in eating, subject to the needs of the body. This is a traditional form of penance, which has lost its meaning, indeed it may be rediscovered, especially in that part of the world and in environments where not only the food is abundant, but sometimes you go from meeting to disease hyper -feeding.

Obviously, the penitential fasting is very different from therapeutic diets. But in its own way can be considered a therapy of the soul. Practiced it as a sign of conversion, facilitates the inner commitment to get listen to God Fasting is to reaffirm to themselves that Jesus said that Satan tempted him, at the end of the forty days of fasting in the wilderness: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God "(Mt 4:4). Today, especially in affluent societies, the sense of the word evangelical is gathered with difficulty. Consumerism, instead of appeasing the needs, it always creates new kinds of activism often excessive ... The penitential fasting, among other meanings, has precisely to help us in this recovery of the interior.

effort restraint from food also extends to other things not necessary, and is very supportive to the spiritual life. Sobrietà, raccoglimento e preghiera vanno di pari passo. Un’applicazione di tale principio si può fare opportunamente per quanto riguarda l’uso dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa. Essi hanno un’indiscutibile utilità, ma non debbono farla da "padroni" nella nostra vita. In quante famiglie il televisore sembra sostituire, più che agevolare, il dialogo tra le persone! Un certo "digiuno" anche in questo ambito può essere salutare, sia per destinare del tempo in più alla riflessione e alla preghiera, sia per coltivare i rapporti umani.

La tristezza

"Sadness is a known inevitable and meaningful life because in life, every moment you have the perception of something that you still missing, the sadness is painful absence. What makes good
sadness? Recognize it as a significant instrument of God's plan God's plan means this: that life is always, in any case ... subject to the perception of something missing. It is providential that life is sad ... What is the most fascinating topic for us to understand that our destiny is something bigger, is the greatest mystery. And when that mystery comes to us becoming a man, then this charm becomes a hundred times bigger. Does not take away the sadness, because the way in which God becomes man is such that you do not have it, you have already and you have not already. ... I do not see - I do not see him as I see you - I know that He is here because you're here, why we are there ...
Sadness is the condition that God has placed in the heart of human existence, because the 'man make no mistake that what ever he's quietly enough.
Sadness is an integral part, not the nature of the destino dell’uomo, ma dell’esistenza dell’uomo, cioè del cammino al destino, ed è presente ad ogni passo. Quanto più questo passo è bello per te, quanto più è incantevole per te, quanto più è tuo, tanto più capisci che ti manca quello che più aspetti».

Luigi Giussani , Si può vivere così?, p. 338

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